TIME Television

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka Will Be on Freak Show

Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka
Neil Patrick Harris, right, and David Burtka attend the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s 13th Annual "An Enduring Vision" benefit at Cipriani's Wall Street on Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014, in New York. Charles Sykes—Charles Sykes/Invision/AP

The two will appear on the hit FX series toward the end of the season

Hollywood can’t get enough of Neil Patrick Harris. On top of all the other appearances and host spots NPH has snagged this year, the actor and his husband David Burtka will both appear in episodes of American Horror Story: Freak Show later this season.

Harris will join the cast of Freak Show for the 11th and 12th episodes, TV Line reports, in which the How I Met Your Mother star will play a chameleon salesman. Burtka, on the other hand, will appear in the season finale during a “sexy storyline” with Jessica Lange’s character.

Harris is also hosting the Oscars in 2015.

[TV Line]

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