Tony Tinderholt Criticized For Violent Rhetoric

Ri9Br.St.58The Texas Observer released video footage over the weekend of my opponent, Tony Tinderholt, advocating for violence at the border and an invasion of Mexico.  In a stinging rebuke of his violent and extreme positions, the article posits the question many are beginning to ask about Mr. Tinderholt: “How the hell did this guy get so close to the statehouse?”


The recently discovered video of Tinderholt giving a campaign speech in July features him offering his plan to use American troops to invade our ally and important trading partner.  More frighteningly, he lays out his solution to the child immigrant crisis by stating: “People are gonna die … It’s the only thing that’s gonna stop this infiltration of our country.”  As can be seen on this video, his logic is painfully clear as he walks his audience through his thought process: 1) these kids are stealing from us, 2) if someone steals from you, “you’re gonna get a gun” 3) eventually, “people are gonna die.”


WFAA Ch. 8 released a portion of the video last week in a story titled, “Republicans question intent of candidate’s comments.”  Though he sought to walk back some of his comments from the video, when pressed on the issue during an interview with WFAA, Mr. Tinderholt said, despite the response, “he wouldn’t alter his message at that July meeting.”


Many people may recall Mr. Tinderholt’s childish outburst at the Arlington City Council Meeting as a spokesman for Open Carry Tarrant County, or even his strange claim that he was “on patrol, catching illegal immigrants.”  However, this video shows a much more extreme concern for all Texans, not just HD 94.


We can keep extremists like Tony Tinderholt from the statehouse in Austin, but only with your help! Make a $25 donation to help us get the word out that there is a voice of reason on the ballot.


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