TIME Crime

Child Rape Suspect Caught in New York

Gregory Lewis had been spotted in a handful of states since he fled Massachusetts in August

A Massachusetts man accused of raping a child who had been on the run since September was arrested late Tuesday in New York, authorities said.

Gregory Lewis, 26, was also wanted in several states in connection with a series of sexual assaults, kidnappings, and armed robberies, CNN reports. He’s accused of robbing, assaulting, and handcuffing several victims who he met online.

Lewis was arrested Tuesday after fleeing New York state troopers attempting to pull him over for driving with a missing license plate, authorities said. Lewis later crashed his car into a river. The suspect, who had been charged with four counts of felony child rape in August, fled Massachusets after cutting off his GPS-monitoring bracelet. Lewis had been seen in Charlotte, Denver, Portland, Boise, and Salt Lake City since he fled.


TIME Crime

Ferguson Police Chief Denies Resignation Report

Protesters call for resignation of Ferguson police chief
Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson begins to march with protesters before clashes led to arrests in front of the Ferguson Police Department, on Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014. Robert Cohen—AP

Embattled chief Tom Jackson says he isn't going anywhere

The Ferguson, Mo. police department is denying reports that its chief is set to be replaced amid ongoing protests in a community bracing for a grand jury decision in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

“Nobody in my chain of command has asked me to resign, nor have I been terminated,” Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson told CNN, which reported late Tuesday night that Jackson would step down as part of a broad reorganization that would hand control of the department to the St. Louis County police. CNN, citing unnamed “government officials familiar with the ongoing discussions,” reported the move could come as soon as next week.

That was news to the Ferguson police department, which denied the report but left open the possibility that Jackson could vacate the post. “He has not been told to resign. He has not been fired. If he leaves, it will be his choice alone,” the department posted on Twitter.

Jackson did not immediately return a call or an email seeking comment on the report.

Officer Brian Schellman of the St. Louis County Police says his department is unaware of impending changes. “We have no knowledge of any of that,” Schellman says.

The report comes as the aftershocks of the Aug. 9 shooting continue to reverberate in the St. Louis suburb. A grand jury investigating the shooting of Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, is expected to hand down a decision by mid-November on whether to indict police officer Darren Wilson on murder or manslaughter charges. In recent weeks, the protests have regained steam amid a series of leaked reports that appeared to corroborate Wilson’s claim that the shooting came after Brown assaulted the officer. Local officials say they are worried about the protests that may erupt if Wilson is not indicted.

Jackson has come under withering criticism for his handling of the shooting. As riots roiled the St. Louis suburb in the days after Brown’s death, Jackson resisted the intense pressure to identify the officer who shot him. When he finally fingered Wilson six days later, he did so while releasing a video of an unrelated robbery Brown committed before the attack—which critics considered an attempt to taint the reputation of the dead teen.

The shooting released a wave of mounting frustration between Ferguson’s largely African American population and its heavily white government and police force. Residents have raised questions about what they say is a pattern of racial profiling and the Justice Department has opened a broad civil rights investigation into the Ferguson police department. Outgoing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who visited the troubled city in the aftermath of the shooting, has said his department is investigating the Ferguson force’s record of stops, searches and use of force against residents. Statistics indicate the police force has targeted African Americans at a disproportionate rate.

TIME Crime

Why That ‘Dingo’s Got My Baby’ Line Isn’t Funny

An Australian wild Dingo dog Russell Mcphedran—AP

Oct. 29, 1982: An Australian woman is convicted of murder after courts reject her claim that a dingo took her baby

For years, whether or not you believed Lindy Chamberlain’s story depended on which nightmarish scenario you found more plausible: that a wild dog snatched her sleeping 9-week-old baby from a tent in the Australian outback, or that Lindy herself slashed the infant’s throat and then invented the farfetched story to cover up her crime.

Thirty-two years ago today, on Oct. 29, 1982, a jury went for the latter interpretation and convicted Chamberlain of murder. She was sentenced to a lifetime behind bars. The case gained international notoriety, inspiring the 1988 film A Cry in the Dark, in which Meryl Streep, as Chamberlain, shouts the words that would become a morbid punch line: “The dingo’s got my baby!”

The couple was exonerated after the baby’s knit jacket appeared in 1986, partly buried next to a remote dingo lair. Chamberlain was freed and the guilt was redistributed to those who had vilified her. A mere two years earlier, 77% of Australians polled had believed she was guilty, and not just because of the outrageous story.

One source of suspicion was her religion. Her husband was a pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, then little-known in Australia. Rumors swirled that the church was a cult that practiced infant sacrifice, and that Azaria — the name of Chamberlain’s late daughter — meant “sacrifice in the wilderness” (it means “blessed of God”). Another strike against Chamberlain was the way she carried herself. Stylish and stoic, she never erupted in hysterics in court. She was called cold and calculating. As journalist Julia Baird wrote in a New York Times op-ed, “She was, we were told, more interested in looking pretty than in the death of her child.”

Compared to Chamberlain, dingoes were viewed more warmly, at least initially. In the early 1980s, TIME reports, dingoes had never been known to attack humans — or at least, such cases hadn’t been publicized.

“On television, footage from the Chamberlains’ trial was often accompanied by images of the wild dogs looking more affable than aggressive,” TIME’s Marina Kamenev wrote. Since then, however, dozens of dingo attacks have made the news, including a 2001 mauling that killed a 9-year-old boy.

Those attacks were considered in the most recent inquest into Azaria Chamberlain’s death — the fourth in three decades — which resulted in a 2012 ruling that a dingo had indeed killed, and likely devoured, the baby. When that final report was released, Australians expressed remorse for having jumped to the wrong conclusions, according to Baird.

“Comedians issued public apologies for using Lindy Chamberlain as a punch line; TV hosts were grave and emotional,” she wrote.

Chamberlain, meanwhile, felt vindicated. “No longer will Australia be able to say that dingoes are not dangerous and will only attack if provoked,” she told the Sydney Morning Herald. “We live in a beautiful country, but it is dangerous.”

Read about the reopened Chamberlain case, here in TIME’s archives: Did a Dingo Really Get Her Baby?


Autopsy: Black Man Killed by Utah Police Shot From Behind

(SALT LAKE CITY) — A black man who was shot by Utah police while armed with a samurai-style sword as part of a Japanese anime costume died of multiple gunshot wounds, including several in the back of his body, according to an autopsy released Tuesday.

The state autopsy documents six gunshot wounds on the body of 22-year-old Darrien Hunt and finds at least four of the shots entered his body from behind.

That generally confirms the results of an independent autopsy released by his family, who said Hunt was treated differently because he was black.

“I don’t think anyone would have thought twice if it wasn’t someone with an afro,” said his mother, Susan Hunt, on Tuesday. Police say race wasn’t a factor.

Hunt was shot Sept. 10 as he walked around a strip mall in the Utah city of Saratoga Springs wearing a red shirt and blue pants similar to an anime character and a 2 ½ foot steel sword. Police said they were responding to a 911 call about a man with a sword when he lunged at them, swinging the weapon.

But his family says the sword was decorative rather than dangerous.

A narrative in the autopsy states an officer fired three shots when Darrien Hunt charged at him, swinging the sword, as the officer got out of his car. Darrien Hunt ran away and police fired four more times as they chased him, the report says. The autopsy found no drugs in his system.

An attorney for the Hunt family, Robert Sykes, disputed the officers’ account, saying a picture taken by a bystander shows Hunt smiling as he talked to two officers.

Tim Taylor, chief deputy at the Utah County Attorney’s Office, said Tuesday that Hunt talked to officers after they arrived, asking them for a ride.

The county attorney’s investigation into whether the shooting was legally justified could be complete within a week, Taylor said. He said the trajectory of the shots found by the autopsy indicates Hunt was turning away when they were fired, but investigators are still looking at exactly what happened during the encounter.

The autopsy shows four of the gunshots found in Hunt’s body traveled back to front. A fifth shot that struck his left arm appears to have come from the front and a sixth traveled downward after entering the back of his forearm.

“I think that means they were pursuing him, he was running away. He was probably sacred to death,” said Sykes.

Susan Hunt said she hopes the officers involved are held accountable, and barred from using firearms in the future.

The officers, who are white, have been identified as Cpl. Matthew Schauerhamer and Officer Nicholas Judson.

Saratoga Springs is an upscale city of 23,000 people south of Salt Lake City. About 93 percent of residents are white and fewer than 1 percent are black, according to U.S. Census figures.

TIME Crime

Man Beheads Woman in New York Before Jumping in Front of Train

The man's body was found a mile away after he was struck by a train

A man beheaded a woman at her apartment in Long Island, N.Y. Tuesday night before jumping in front of a train, police and locals said.

The elderly woman was discovered dead outside an apartment building in Farmingdale, Nassau County at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nassau police said, according to the New York Post. The man had dragged her into the street and kicked her severed head about 20 feet.

“I looked through my window and saw the body down there,” neighbor Nick Gordon told the Post. “I saw the lady laying right in front and her head was across the street, close to the corner. I thought ‘holy sh–!’”

“There was blood all over the floor,” Gordon continued. “You can see smears going down the stairs… as if somebody were pulling a body.”

About 25 minutes later, the man was struck and killed by a Long Island Railroad train, and his body was found about a mile way from the crime scene in Farmingdale.

WNBC reported that investigators believe the woman was the man’s mother.

[New York Post]


Secret Service Prostitution Investigator Resigned Over Own Scandal

A new report found that David Nieland may have resigned in August after being implicated in an incident also involving prostitution

An investigator who led an internal review of the 2012 Secret Service prostitution scandal resigned in August because he had been implicated in an incident involving prostitution, according to a new report.

Officials said the investigator, David Nieland, was seen entering and leaving a building that was being monitored as part of a prostitution investigation, which was unrelated to the Secret Service scandal, the New York Times reported. When they interviewed the prostitute, she identified Nieland and said he had paid her for sex.

Nieland had cited health problems for his resignation, but officials said he stepped down after refusing to answer questions asked by a Department of Homeland Security official regarding his activities. Nieland denied the reports, stating to the New York Times in an e-mail that, “The allegation is not true.”

A Department of Homeland Security spokesman said an investigation is underway.


TIME National Security

U.S. Boosts National Security After Ottawa Shooting

Exact locations of increased security will not be disclosed

Security at U.S. government buildings around the nation will be boosted in the wake of violence that targeted government officials and federal establishments in Canada last week, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson announced Tuesday.

The presence of the Federal Protective Service (FPS) will be enhanced around several locations in Washington, D.C. and other major cities in the country, Johnson said in a statement. FPS protects more than 9,500 federal government buildings that are visited every day by some 1.4 million people, according to the Associated Press. The exact locations and actions will not be disclosed, as they are are sensitive to law-enforcement, but Johnson added that the security presence will be re-evaluated continuously.

The increased security is a precautionary measure to protect government personnel and facilities after a Canadian soldier was fatally shot in Ottawa just outside Parliament, Johnson said. The shooting is the latest crime linked to extremism that targeted government buildings or officials, following a hatchet attack last week on four New York Police Department officers.

“Given world events, prudence dictates a heightened vigilance in the protection of U.S. government installations and our personnel,” Johnson said. “We urge state and local governments and their law enforcement personnel, along with critical infrastructure owners and operators, to be equally vigilant, particularly in guarding against potential small-scale attacks by a lone offender or a small group of individuals.”


Report: FBI Created Fake News Article With Spyware to Track Suspect

FBI Director Robert Muller Speaks About Bureau Reforms
The Federal Bureau of Investigation seal is shown at the FBI Headquarters July 26, 2006 in Washington, DC. Mark Wilson—Getty Images

The FBI maintains that its fake news article was justified

The FBI created a fake Seattle Times article containing surveillance software in order to track a school bomb-threat suspect in 2007, according to documents obtained by an advocacy group.

The controversy was publicized Monday evening on Twitter by Christopher Soghoian, a technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, who linked to the FBI documents (pages 61-62) obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights organization. While the FBI’s use of data gathering software in this investigation was reported in 2007 by WIRED, which acquired an FBI affidavit seeking a search warrant for the tool’s use, the latest documents reveal for the first time the FBI’s use of a false news article.

According to the documents, the link to the article was “in the style of the Seattle Times” and used a false Associated Press byline. The article, titled “Bomb threat at high school downplayed by local police department,” was mocked up with subscriber and advertising information.

The link was then e-mailed to the to the MySpace account of the suspect, who police believe was responsible for a series of bomb threats at Timberline High School in Lacey, Wash. When clicked on, the link would deploy FBI software to track his location and computer IP address.

“We are outraged that the FBI, with the apparent assistance of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, misappropriated the name of The Seattle Times to secretly install spyware on the computer of a crime suspect,” said Seattle Times Editor Kathy Best in a statement Monday evening.

AP’s Director of Media Relations Paul Colford also criticized the FBI’s actions, writing in a statement that, “We are extremely concerned and find it unacceptable that the FBI misappropriated the name of The Associated Press and published a false story attributed to AP. This ploy violated AP’s name and undermined AP’s credibility.”

The FBI in Seattle maintains that its technique was justified in locating the suspect, who was arrested on June 14, 2007, two days after the dateline that appeared on the agents’ e-mail correspondence discussing the plan.

“Every effort we made in this investigation had the goal of preventing a tragic event like what happened at Marysville and Seattle Pacific University,” Frank Montoya Jr., an FBI agent overseeing its Seattle operations, told the Seattle Times. “We identified a specific subject of an investigation and used a technique that we deemed would be effective in preventing a possible act of violence in a school setting.”

A spokeswoman for FBI’s Seattle unit also defended the strategy to the Seattle Times, arguing that the FBI did not use a “real Seattle Times article, but material generated by the FBI in styles common in reporting and online media.”

TIME Television

Melissa McCarthy Was Robbed When She First Got to Hollywood

The thief ran off with her mascara, she told Jimmy Kimmel

When Bridesmaids star Melissa McCarthy first got to Hollywood, she was held up at a dry cleaners. But she was more devastated the thief took her makeup than anything else, she told Jimmy Kimmel on his ABC talk show Monday.

The police later caught the man who robbed her, she added, and put him behind bars. McCarthy is on the big screen right now in St. Vincent in which she appears alongside Bill Murray.

TIME The Philippines

U.S. Marine Asks for Lesser Charge in Killing of Transgender Filipina

Activists participate in a protest to seek justice for a Filipina transgender Jennifer Laude outside a justice hall where a preliminary investigation was held at the Philippine city of Olongapo, north of Manila, on Oct. 27, 2014 Lorgina Minguito—Reuters

The high-profile killing has sparked protests in the Philippines

The U.S. Marine accused of killing a transgender Filipina has asked prosecutors to reduce the murder charge to homicide if the case is brought to court, since there is no “probable cause for murder.”

Lawyers for Private First Class Joseph Scott Pemberton presented the motion at a preliminary hearing in the northern Philippine city of Olongapo on Monday, Rappler reports. Pemberton did not attend the hearing.

Jennifer Laude, 26, was found strangled and drowned on Oct. 11 in a motel bathroom where witnesses last placed her together with Pemberton. The case has become politically charged because of a defense agreement giving the U.S. military custody over the suspect.

Last week, Pemberton was transferred to a Philippine military base, and he is now detained at the Philippines’ military headquarters in Manila under joint custody.

According to Philippine broadcaster ABS-CBN, Pemberton’s lawyer Rowena Garcia Flores said he did not file an expected counter-affidavit because he had not yet had the “opportunity to examine the case.”

Laude’s killing has sparked widespread protests against the defense agreement between the U.S. and the Philippines, and has also led to calls for greater protection for LGBT people in the country.

On Monday, Laude’s German boyfriend, Marc Suselbeck, was charged with gross arrogance and serious disrespect to Filipino authorities after climbing the fence surrounding the camp where Pemberton was held, and shoving a military guard, the Philippine Star reports.

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