My opponent, Tony Tinderholt, has been less than honest with voters.  Mr. Tinderholt has been misleading voters about his resume, claiming to be a Corporate Vice President of Education at Ancora, a position he has not held in more than seven months. It appears that Mr. Tinderholt was not employed for much of 2014 and instead of being honest with the families of District 94, he was more interested in promoting his false credentials as an education expert.


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Throughout his Republican primary campaign earlier this year Mr. Tinderholt falsely promoted his position at Ancora and he continues to do so today.  The Tinderholt campaign website still claims Tony “currently serves as Vice President of Education at Ancora Education, providing vocational training across the Southern United States.”


The job history Mr. Tinderholt has promoted to voters on his website and in public statements is disingenuous at best. If Mr. Tinderholt is willing to mislead on something as simple as his work history, how can we trust him to do what’s right for our community on important issues like border security, growing our economy and helping our public schools?