Cole Ballweg Wins Firefighter Endorsement!

Bi-Partisan First Responders Back Pro-Business Democrat


ARLINGTON – Citing his commitment to public safety, the Arlington Professional Firefighters announced that it is backing Cole Ballweg for State Representative in House District 94.  “Cole Ballweg’s commitment to public safety and understanding of our issues is what ultimately led to our endorsement” said David Crow, President of the Arlington Professional Firefighters.


“Nothing is more important than public safety, so I am truly pleased and grateful to have the support of the Firefighters,” Ballweg said. “Clearly, they were looking for a pragmatic, reliable leader, not an individual who seeks to represent only the angry voices in our community.  I am not running against conservatism, I am running against extremism.”


Ballweg, 36, owns and operates a business that employs 150 people that provides home nursing to medically fragile and terminally ill children. He was born in Tarrant County and was raised in the same farmhouse where his grandfather grew up.


Ballweg’s opponent, Tony Tinderholt, is a Tea Party member who defeated Diane Patrick in the Republican Primary. Tinderholt has campaigned on an extremist agenda that includes supporting the renegade gun group Open Carry Tarrant County (the group carrying assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons into Jack-In-The-Box and Target).


“When I become State Representative, I will focus on the issues that are important to Arlington families like mine: public safety, public education, drivable roads, a safe water supply, and job creation,” Ballweg said. “Our state has plenty of challenges, and we need to get to work.”