Downright Scary


Let me get this out of the way:  I don’t have a problem with “Open Carry”.  My priority is to keep guns out of the hands of people who do not follow the law or are mentally ill.  Those people can easily obtain a gun with no background check through an unlicensed seller under current law.  Around 40% of guns are sold through this loophole.  For many people, that is scary.

So why are we spending so much time talking about groups like Open Carry Texas, who was recently criticized by the NRA, and Open Carry Tarrant County (OCTC) who only seem to care about wearing guns on their hip?  Because we pay more attention to people who act, in the now-retracted words of the NRA, “weird” and “downright scary” than we do to those who are reasonable and measured.

Our local group (OCTC), who has found their hero in House District 94 candidate Tony Tinderholt, was recently disowned by Open Carry Texas for failing to give police a heads up in advance of walking into public intersections and businesses with assault rifles strapped around their shoulders.  According to their spokesperson “We don’t ask for permission…”

When OCTC showed up at the Arlington City Council to speak out against city safety restrictions, Tinderholt shouted his protests from the back rows before storming out.  OCTC sees him as their voice in the next Texas Legislature, and his words and actions show that he plans to represent them very well.  OCTC’s leadership praised Mr. Tinderholt for his public outburst and for meeting with them to discuss his support for their movement.  They say he “has their backs 100%.”  Moreover, according to OCTC members, Tinderholt has said to call him personally “if they are ever harassed by the Arlington Police.”

I hope voters will pay attention.  Most people just want a safe, calm place to raise their kids or enjoy a meal at a restaurant.  We can find solutions that respect Second Amendment rights while also respecting those who do not carry a gun.  Tony Tinderholt may soon try to distance himself from these groups in typical politician fashion, but his allegiance is clear and his outburst at City Hall was “downright scary.”  He could advocate for expanded background checks and closing the loopholes that allow anyone with an internet connection to get a gun, but instead he is using his platform to shine a spotlight on a fringe group.  As your State Representative I will stand up for all constituents, not just the loudest, angriest voices.

Cole Ballweg

Candidate for Texas House District 94