TIME Sports

This Paralympian Just Won Halloween With His Costume

Josh Sundquist's costume is a must see

Josh Sundquist has a reputation to uphold.

Each Halloween the Paralympic ski racer-turned-author and motivational speaker goes all out for Halloween, putting his so-called disability (Sundquist lost his leg to bone cancer when he was nine years old) to great effect.

Over the last few years, Sundquist’s gone as a flamingo (one leg up naturally), the leg lamp from A Christmas Story, and a gingerbread man with its leg bitten off. He has posted the entire impressive collection on his Facebook page.

This year he’s opted to get in touch with his inner athlete and what team sport is best known for having just one leg? Foosball. As you can see in the behind-the-scenes video, for his foosball player costume, Sundquist stuck his leg in a box and attached himself to the metal pipes that would connect him to his teammates were he really on a foosball soccer team.

Sundquist holds on to his title of King of Halloween once again.

[H/T Sports Illustrated]

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