About the Big Gas Mafia ponzi scheme…

by TXsharon on July 29, 2011

in Big Gas Mafia, economy, fraud

I meant to tell you, Dear Readers, that the SEC is subpoenaing shale operators.

Is SEC subpoenaing shale operators? Apparently yes.

Posted on July 28, 2011 at 3:18 pm by Tom Fowler

And, the rumor is: there will be another article in the NY Times tomorrow.

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Robert Finne July 30, 2011 at 10:38 am

Southwestern Energy falls as some wells’ output drops

Arkansas publishes production rates online at http://www.aogc.state.ar.us

Easiest way to verify is to pick around the data mining map. Production rates for all companies mirror what the the NYT article stated a few weeks ago.
The only way they can maintain production rates is to constantly drill new wells. The only way they can do it profitably is to get prices back up using exports and the ChesaPickens plan.


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