Who wants to go see Promised Land on Friday?

by TXsharon on December 26, 2012

in Promised Land.

Promised Land opens on Friday at the AMC NorthPark 15.  Please see UPDATE below.

Show times:  10:50, 1:45, 4:50, 7:50, 11:00

Who wants to go to the 4:50 showing then go out to dinner after?

I remember when the landmen were slithering around my place in Wise County. I locked my gate and put a No Trespassing sign on it.  They left me cards or letters taped to the gate, which I used as fire starters. Sometimes they would stalk me on the private drive that led to my place and my neighbor’s.

One day two landmen were parked at my gate waiting when I got home from work. I decided to toy with them a bit so I played dumb and listened to their spiel and promises of great riches. They were only mildly interested in my acreage. What they really wanted was my neighbor’s 250 acres.

They offered me 2% of my neighbor’s minerals if I could convince him to lease.

See the highlighted part of that sentence. My mama taught me that taking something that isn’t yours is stealing.

I ran the landmen off and told them to never come back.

I have more landman stories but this is enough for today.

UPDATE: They are expecting a huge attack by industry. Already there is a website, The Real Promised Land, and a Facebook page. Dory connected the dots and they draw a straight line to the rest of the fracking Joe Camels.

My review is Here.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Jana December 26, 2012 at 5:32 pm

Hope to see some old friends Friday!


David December 28, 2012 at 12:04 am
Dory December 28, 2012 at 5:42 am

One line in the trailer is now a loop in my head – it’s where Matt Damon says “we’re a 9-billion dollar company, do you know what we are capable of?”

I know many people look at corporations as behemoths with lots of money and how do you fight something with that kind of money? Well, do some digging in your state – how much is being spent to put up front groups, spent on greenwash commercials, lobbying, buying up politicians etc? And more is spent every year.

yes, it’s quite a big pile of money. So think about it – would they be spending that kind of money if WE weren’t making a difference?

Keep up the good work – make’em spend money on PR-BS because the more they spend on PR means the less they have to spend on fracking us over


TXsharon December 28, 2012 at 12:08 pm

As long as they keep expanding their operations, the opposition will continue to grow because they are the worst neighbors imaginable.


David December 28, 2012 at 9:13 am
TXsharon December 28, 2012 at 12:08 pm

That’s where I got my tickets. Wish you could watch it with us.


Jana December 28, 2012 at 11:29 pm

Dory, you are absolutely right. If the voices were not making a difference, there would be no need for all the advertising and energy placed shills. One very smart man told me many years ago, the very first day I met him(met Sharon too, :), to not give up, that the one thing the industry can not count on is “you”. They hope they can charm you, buy you,bribe you, if not bully you, wear you down, out spend you, threaten you, intimidate you, SLAPP you, sue you. What they can not do is take away who you are, diminish your morals, values, your love of family, home, and community, and the length you will go to protect it. Thank you for connecting the dots and not stopping. Enjoy the movie.


Chip Northrup December 29, 2012 at 10:40 am

Saw it at the AMC – great movie – can see why the frackers are freaked



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