
Seven Years Of Corset-Wearing Gave This Woman A 16-Inch Waist

But the fetish model doesn’t really care what you think of her body.

1. This is Kelly Lee Dekay, a designer and “international fetish model.” She’s also really into using a corset to reshape her body, known as “tight-lacing,” which has given her a 16-inch waist.

3. After wearing a corset every day for seven years, even while hiking, Dekay has made her waist as narrow as a doll’s.

She says she doesn’t wear corsets for looks, but more for the artistry and the feeling she has while wearing them.

5. “I’m coming from the perspective of a fetishist,” she told BuzzFeed News. “When I tried on my first steel boned corset at 18, I was smiling ear to ear.”

She added, “I fell in love with the brocade, the zipping sound the laces made as it got tighter and the overall beauty of a corset. I love the different silhouettes different type of corsets create. There’s something very romantic about it.”

7. The 27-year-old told Cosmopolitan she didn’t consult with a doctor when she first began wearing a corset, but was under the mentorship of another tight-lacer, and now visits a doctor regularly and is in “perfect health.”

Doctors have warned that too much tight-lacing can damage internal organs.

9. A self-proclaimed LGBTQ activist and “latex fetishist,” the model lists cartoon characters such as Jessica Rabbit as influces. She was also inspired by fetish photographer and artist John Willie.

“I’ve always loved how certain pieces of garments gave you permission to let out certain parts of you,” she told the Daily Mail. “So I think that’s what tight lacing does for me, I wanted to become my own superhero villain.”

11. Dekay is also a self-described “glamour activist” who wants women to stop pitting themselves against each other based on their femininity.

“It’s disheartening,” she says. “I think it’s fabulous when a woman gets excited over a new shade of MAC lipstick and I think it’s fantastic when a woman loves to be make-up free. I celebrate them both.”

13. She adds, “We’re all in this together. Just because I wear lipstick doesn’t mean I don’t believe in equal rights.”

15. But the New York resident is certainly not without her haters.

17. “I’ve been accused of hating myself, people telling me I don’t look normal, it’s unnatural or telling me I’m disgusting,” she said. “It’s really weird”

19. But she’s tired of the “archaic idea” that if you’re a feminist you can’t be girly.

“Telling someone to conform to your idea of feminism is still oppression,” she explained to Cosmo. “People have this sense of entitlement over a woman’s body. I reject that entitlement and choose to do the things that make me happy. That’s feminist. My body, my choice.”

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