Five Tips for Combining Craft Beer and Dating

Categories: Five Great...

Photo by Cleo Tobbi
This could be you!

With the growth of breweries and craft beer bars in Orange County, you're eventually going to end up at one for a date, but for some of you not-so-savvy beer drinkers, a night out to a brewery can be intimidating. Long, winding draft and bottle menus stare at you from the moment you enter a craft beer bar, and the choices fluctuate with each visit. It can be tough to have a "usual" order at places like Native Son Alehouse or The Copper Door, and while rotation is ideal for the avid beer snob, it's not so fun for first-timers on a date. Here's how to combine romance and craft beer.

1. Ask for tasters
Asking for tasters is like dating. You want to make sure you don't commit a significant other (or a beer) that's not your type, so taste your beer like you would date around before settling down.

What's better, tasters (unlike first dates) aren't intimidating. They're self explanatory, just a taste of the beer. Just make sure you're not jerk; don't ask for a taster of every red, blonde or porter on draft. Tasters done, at least your beer won't be the reason for your bad date.

2. Have an opinion
Don't hesitate to vocalize your opinion about your beer. Your date took you to a brewery or brewpub because they like beer and probably want to see if you like it too. Merely saying that the beer is "good" doesn't cut it. Take your opinion to the next level and explain why you like or dislike the beer in front of you.

Beer is only made up of four main ingredients: water, hops, barley and yeast, and the barley and hops, along with any other adjunct like orange peel or chocolate, will lend to the way your beer tastes. Talking about how the beer tastes and smells will score big points. Use words like "hoppy," "smooth," "malty," "bright," "tart," "funky," or "fruity." Or, simply be honest. If a saison tastes like green olives (like they tend to do for me) just say so. You won't be wrong because it's what you think it tastes like.

3. Don't be afraid to sound a little dumb
It's all right if you're not up to date on all the hottest beer news. You don't need to know what some brewery out in Pennsylvania is barrel-aging or that a brewer from Minnesota is moving to a brewery in Oregon. Yes, these issues fill the mind of the beer enthusiast, but I'm here to tell you that it's okay that you don't know these things.

It's important to keep in mind that everyone, at one point or another, drank macro-brewed beer. Do not become intimidated by the slight of douchebaggery that can sometimes creep its way into your date's beer glass (though by all means be turned off). Just have a drink, enjoy yourself and maybe you'll learn something new.

4. Try everything
Craft brewers make a point of making eccentric and interesting beer. It's a slap in the face to scoff at their refusal to brew or serve anything that tastes remotely like a Corona or Budweiser. Ordering a flight, a sampler of about four to six, five-ounce beers, will be your best bet. A lot of the time, you can just pick and choose which beer you'd like in your flight. Your date or bartender can assist you with this. Remember, beers like pilsners and blondes will be lighter and friendlier, ambers, browns and reds will be maltier, pale ales and IPAs will be bitter and stouts and porters will be roast-y. If the bar offers a fixed flight option, take it. This will quell any decision-making anxiety and will present a balanced set of beers for you to try.

5. Don't get too drunk too fast
In the world of craft beer, you must learn the art of pacing yourself. Craft beer is not the same as Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors Light or any of their non-light counterparts. You can down three Bud Lights during a game of beer pong and hardly get a proper buzz. Do that with an IPA, say a Recursion 2.0 from Bottle Logic or a Big Whig from Noble Ale Works and you're gonna start wobbling...hard. Even if you're just drinking an amber, a pale ale or even a pilsner, the fact is, craft beer is more robust than the typical tailgate. And the beers that will appeal to the first-time craft drinkers will most likely be of the sweeter Belgian persuasion (Dubbels, Tripels and Quads), which have a knee-wobbling average ABV of about 8-12 percent. That means that one Tripel, a sweet and clove-y beer, will be equivalent to about three regular Budweisers. Also, many of our Orange County brewers do a good job of masking their alcohol in fun and appealing flavors like coffee, watermelon, raspberry and chocolate. So take it easy until you know what you can handle, especially on a first date.

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The author clearly followed the rule of her line 3 "Don't be afraid to sound a little dumb".  I guess it's okay for women to sound a little dumb huh?  What a totally shameful and non-empowering thing to write about your fellow women.  And WTF does this mean "Do not become intimidated by the slight of douchebaggery that can sometimes creep its ways into your date's beer glass." Are you saying that beer turns men into douchebags? What horrible generalizations you have made here - women sound dumb and men are douchebags. What was the point of this article again? 


You could just go to Cismontane Brewing in RSM ! ! !


@Saras Holy shit Saras get the giant 2x4 out of your ass, the writer didn't specify gender, you just want to complain just for the sake of complaining and it isn't even worth complain. Kill yourself cunt. 


@Saras Thanks for reading. The point of this article is to ease the novice beer drinker into the craft beer world. I actually made a point of leaving gender out of this piece so I find it interesting that you assumed my audience was strictly female. The ratio of men to women in craft beer bars and breweries has become rather equal as of late and this fact prompted the idea for the post in the first place. 

And anyone can sound like a douchebag if they think they know what they're talking about when they actually don't. 


@MACHO_MAN @Saras Ha ha ha what a moron you look like trying to pathetically defend someone's honor.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion here.  And speaking of DUMB, you reek of it "Macho Man"  - Your foul, juvenile comments won't be on here long either.  Maybe you can try to come back with something intelligent next time, if that's remotely possible for you.  I doubt it.


@ctobbi @Saras If you had included the ratio info then perhaps this would have read differently.  But it sounds like you’re speaking to a female audience and this assumption is not a stretch.  ENCOURAGING WOMEN TO SOUND DUMB IS A DUMB THING TO SAY - even in jest, although there’s not much humour here.  Yes, anyone can sound like a know it all douchebag, particularly hack writers who spew insulting nonsensical things then can’t handle the criticism afterwards and try to “cleverly” allude to their critic being a douchebag. 


@Saras @MACHO_MAN None of the shit you spew holds any intelligence at all. The fact that you abuse the use of the space bar on every other sentence reflects how much of a piece of shit human being you really are. You come on this site with your nose so high up in the sky that fucking birds in the clouds still can't even see your face. My comments will still remain here and you can't do anything about that you stupid cunt. Now get back to killing yourself.


@Saras Shit didn't ecourage women to sound dumb, you are just assuming shit. Just shut the fuck up.


@MACHO_MAN @Saras No, still no intelligence displayed from you. You are so impassioned here that it's obvious you are friends with the writer and what you are actually doing is downgrading her with your childish and repugnant comments.  If you really want to do her a favor then defend your point smartly instead of sounding like a troubled high schooler with the name-calling and suicide suggestions.  Suicide is clearly in the forefront of your own thoughts, perhaps you should talk to someone about that.  


@Saras @MACHO_MAN Blah blah blah. Here you go again assuming shit once again. No I don't even know the writer. If anything you should talk to someone about your fucked up mindset and tendency to assume everything you read or hear implies that it is against your crappy moral beliefs. The author didn't say men are douchebags or women are stupid, now shut the fuck up cunt and get on with your life until you find something else to complain about, (which will be within the next 30 minutes.)


@MACHO_MAN @Saras Don't lie.    You do know the writer.      It's abundantly clear.    And sad.  


@Saras @MACHO_MAN I truly have no idea who this person is but please continue. I've made popcorn. 

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