Jason "Mayhem" Miller Needs $2 Million for His Dog, Lawyers, Home Repairs and "Art"

Jason "Mayhem" Miller has become the Shia LaBeouf of mixed martial arts.

The best soap opera is not on television but is emanating from Jason "Mayhem" Miller's home in Mission Viejo, where the former MMA fighter who live-tweeted during a standoff with SWAT officers there on Oct. 9 has now tweeted that he is seeking $2 million in crowdfunding to "reinvest" in his "art."

Jason "Mayhem" Miller Pleads Not Guilty to Causing Mayhem in Standoff with Deputies

The "art" of "mayhem-making," perhaps?

In August 2011, Miller was arrested in North Carolina after allegedly putting his sister in a headlock and refusing to let her go when she wanted to leave a house party.

Orange County deputies arrested Miller on Aug. 13, 2012, after he was found naked on the couch of a Mission Viejo church near his home that had just been vandalized. The charges were dropped after Mission Hills Church pastor Brian Anderson came forward in Miller's defense.

On Sept. 9, 2013, the retired UFC grappler was taken into custody and later released on bond for allegedly violating a "stay away" order from his ex-girlfriend. During a court hearing that followed, the judge scolded Mayhem for making faces and nodding his head in every direction. The fighter apologized, explaining he is "an expressive person" and that he's "an artist."

See what I mean?

It was the domestic violence and felony stalking case involving that same woman--known to the court as Ana Pricilla but to Mayhem as Anna Stable--that led sheriff's deputies to go to his home in the 26000 block of Avenida Calidad on Oct. 9 and serve an arrest warrant. But Mayhem ran back into his home and refused to come back out. With Johnny Law surrounding the place, Miller took to Twitter to invite his fans over and to lash out at deputies and his ex-.

"They threw a phone box threw a plate glass window," the tortured artist tweeted just before deputies swarmed in and he gave up. "Disrespect. I would like to give up, but not with 50 RAMBOS out there. Not cool."

For the two latest cases, Miller faces felony domestic violence, stalking, violation of a court order and obstructing/delaying a peace officer. So, besides his art, he could use some help paying his lawyers, which could explain this recent tweet:


That was actually one of about a dozen tweets Mayhem posted in a flurry that has not been seen since ... well ... Oct. 9, from inside his residential art studio. Which, by the way, sustained damage in SWAT standoff, according to the artist. Included was a hole in a gate that his dog Gator escaped out of; did Mayhem mention that he needs $400 to get the pooch back from the pound?

Why yes he did, via Twitter and his GoFundMe page that he calls the #FreeGator Mayhem Campaign.

Email: mcoker@ocweekly.com. Twitter: @MatthewTCoker. Follow OC Weekly on Twitter @ocweekly or on Facebook!

My Voice Nation Help

"Merit" may be debatable for both, but at least the freeway offramp guys with the cardboard signs take the trouble to write a sign and stand out there all day...

paullucas714 topcommenter

3 words: Celebrity Death Match!

JGlanton topcommenter

Get a job and work like a real man, dum-dum. Stop acting like a spoiled little boy. The county of full of real men who work 50 hours a week and then help their kids with homework and sports when they get home, and none of them give a shit about this jerk-off's serial tantrums.


Cmon Matt, Johnny Law???, have at least a little respect for those who put their life on the line everyday dealing with thugs Like Miller. ( see Pomona officer dies) . Don't be a punk!!

20ftjesus topcommenter

Be wary of people with excuses. 


Truthfully, he's been hit in the head a few to many times...


Who you calling spoiled? Me or Matt?

paullucas714 topcommenter

@bucksters3 Guys wearing costumes that have the power to inflate the ego would be more accurate.


Costumes?? You have no idea why people become police officers. It's certainly not to inflate egos. When you're a young man/ woman entering the academy, it's for one thing. That's to help others. That's it. Too bad if you've had bad experiences, that's more than likely your own fault. I never had any growing up. All you cop haters out there, go to another country that has no real police officers. See how you like life there. You wouldn't. Police are all we gave between good and those who wish to do harm to us. Couple officers just got killed in so. Cal. The past few days and you have the nerve to write demeaning shit. Unbelievable.


Matt, read my post to Pallucas. It's meant for you too!!!!!

paullucas714 topcommenter

@bucksters3 I will believe in the Unicorns of Good Cops when I see you start arresting the bad ones.


Let me back up. Got a little emotional. I never saw an officer steal or anything like that. I Did however see a couple overly aggressive officers and they were rightfully fired. But please, don't bunch everyone in that group. It's not fair. Thanks...


I understand your feelings, but in 28 yrs., I NEVER saw a crooked officer. Never. Not to say there aren't any, but way fewer than you might think...

paullucas714 topcommenter

@bucksters3 i find that hard to believe. And why aren't these very few unicorns ever arrested? And if you are opposed to dirty cops how do you feel about the immunity they enjoy via POBOR?

MatthewTCoker topcommenter

@bucksters3 Do you live in Oz? We write about crooked cops all the time in Orange County, helped send a sheriff to federal prison.


Well, I never hear you praise or give thanks for any officers' actions. Just sayin


What did I just say??? Never actually worked with one...but I hear ya. But again, don't place everyone in the same boat.


Yeah, they have a lot of rights. But departments are changing too, for the better. Cops wearing microphones and soon body cameras, for everyone s benifit. Cops who break the law are prosecuted a lot. But not many convictions. They usually retire first as a plea bargain and most lose the pension. Most, not all. But, don't find what I say hard to believe. Integrity was the first thing I taught my young children. That means very much to me..


No. Not Oz my friend. But you like to bash everyone like their all the same. Not fair at all. You could say something positive sometimes, just sayin

MatthewTCoker topcommenter

@bucksters3 What's funny is as we're having this polite exchange, I'm writing about a cop who allegedly exposed himself to people at the beach AND detectives who staked him out. Wonder if he knows Mayhem?


How do you hear about these stories??


Well, that guy obviously doesn't/ shouldn't be in law enforcement. I hear ya!

MatthewTCoker topcommenter

@bucksters3 Press releases, news service, phone calls, emails, family, friends, social media, all kinds of ways.


I want to hear about the exibitionist at the beach

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