Creamistry Opens In Long Beach

Categories: Now Open

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Photo by Dustin Ames
Ice cream eventually.
Creamistry, one of the first nitrogen ice-cream shops to open in OC, is now in the LBC. Belmont Shore to be exact. It opened this week.

For those of you reading in Long Beach who haven't been to the original Irvine location, here's what I wrote previously about it:

Yes, Creamistry is gimmicky and can be shockingly expensive. Yes, since it's as popular as Afters (which we've already reviewed before), it can often take the patience of a saint to endure a slow-moving line, and then, after that, you still have to wait for your ice cream to be made.

Also, it's so noisy in there you're liable to get a real headache before you endure the ice cream one. But the rewards outweigh the inconveniences because Creamistry's ice cream is actually very good. It's velvet-smooth, dense as antimatter and completely devoid of ice crystals.

Say what you will about the overuse of liquid nitrogen in restaurants that tout molecular gastronomy; liquid nitrogen is made for making ice cream. Plus, it's wicked cool to witness the waterfall of white fog that cascades out of the modified food processors as if a Rush concert's about to start. And since you waited this long and paid this much, you might as well spring for one of the wonderful waffle bowls. Creamistry makes them fresh, from scratch, right there in front of you, with hints of cinnamon in the batter.

And if you live in the Western part of OC, too far from Irvine and to lazy to go into Long Beach, there's also a Creamistry in Cerritos at 11442 South Street.

Here's the info for the new Long Beach location.

Creamistry of Belmont Shore, 4725 East 2nd St., Long Beach, CA 90803, 562-860-NITRO,

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