Garden Grove Police Seek Sexual Assault Victims of Mystery Man Already in Custody

Categories: Crime-iny

OC Weekly
Are you ready for your mystery date?
The Garden Grove Police Department would like your help in finding victims of a man who is in custody and believed to have sexually assaulted at least three women. But his booking mugshot is not being released nor is his name. WTF?

"We cannot release the suspect's name or photo at this time, as it would taint any additional cases should we identify more victims in the community," explains Lt. Ben Stauffer, the department's spokesman, in an email. "The victims' names are being held confidential as victims of sexual assault. So, there is not much we can release, but we do need your help in getting the word out to any potential unidentified victims to make sure we can investigate all of their cases."

Um ... OK.

So here is what we can tell you: The suspect is 31, white and resides in Garden Grove. He allegedly arranged to meet a woman through a Craigslist ad requesting female companionship. They arranged a meeting somewhere in Garden Grove and, overnight, he engaged in an unwanted sexual act with the woman, Stauffer claims. The fellow was arrested Tuesday.

Police believe he has pulled similar crimes on at least two other victims and elsewhere in Garden Grove, although he has only been arrested for the most recent encounter, said Stauffer, who added investigators suspect there could be even more victims.

If any of this sounds like something that has happened to you or someone you know--by someone who fits what little description we have of the suspect--call Investigator Steve Heine at 714.741.5422.

Email: Twitter: @MatthewTCoker. Follow OC Weekly on Twitter @ocweekly or on Facebook!

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