The architecture of American literacy

The philanthropist Andrew Carnegie covered the U.S. in libraries between 1893 and 1919. How many survive—and the forms they've taken—points to what kind of structures make a city center.
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Video: What is a city?

Physicists Geoffrey West and Luis Bettencourt of the Santa Fe Institute have looked at data from cities around the world to try to understand what, exactly, they are. They've found that surprising patterns underlie the growth of all urban systems.

What's mine is yours? The new dynamics of the sharing city

From bike share to Airbnb, the urban landscape now shows new systems of people passing private property around and using resources in new ways. We'll look at this with April Rinne, Sharing Economy Advisory Board, City of Seoul, South Korea; David Sheard, Council Leader, Kirklees; Brian Chesky, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Airbnb; and Arun Sundararajan, Professor and Rosen Faculty Fellow, New York University.

Janette Sadik-Khan on LA, NYC and the future of transportation

The former Transportation Commissioner of New York transformed Times Square from a cab-choked bottleneck into an airy pedestrian mall. Now, she's working on walking, biking and commuting in Southern California.

New in Town: Mayors on Immigration

Newcomers, refugees and asylum seekers redefine cities nationwide. Denis Coderre, the mayor or Montreal talks with Kasim Reed, mayor of Atlanta about distinct issues and shared policies.

Eric Garcetti

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti on 'reinventing city hall'

The new mayor says he governs like he is "the city's CEO," requiring department heads to reapply for their jobs and undergo data-driven performance reviews. Here, he's interviewed by Walter Isaacson, president of The Aspen Institute.