Attorneys Spar Over Whether Anyone Other Than Goodwin Wanted Mickey Thompson Dead

Categories: Court, Crime-iny

Photo courtesy of Larry Cano
(From left:) movie producer Larry Cano, defendant Michael F. Goodwin and investigator Paul E. Blackford.

UPDATE, OCT. 28, 1:28 P.M.: From City News Service's report on oral arguments before a three-justice panel in state appeals court in LA today, Deputy Attorney General Louis Karlin said, "The motive is shown very strongly by the nature of the threats" against the late Mickey Thompson by convictee Michael Goodwin. "Only one person has that motive." ... There was no evidence that the crime was done for any reason other than "to assassinate these two people."

The defense's counter after the jump ...

Goodwin's appellate attorney Gail Harper: "The evidence against Mr. Goodwin is so weak. ... "Saying only one person had (a) motive is flat-out not true." ... Her client was "not the only person in the world who knew where Thompson and his wife lived." ... Goodwin was an "angry man" who was "known for his loudness and over-the-top statements," but "being a jerk isn't a crime. ..."You have to overcome the distaste for Mr. Goodwin, who is thoroughly distasteful."

Outside the courtroom, Collene Campbell, Thompson's sister and a former San Juan Capistrano mayor, noted to City News Service it had been 9,724 days since her brother and his wife were killed and there has "never been a morning or a night that I'm not thinking about it."

Larry Cano, the movie producer supporting Goodwin as detailed in the original post, told the Weekly after the hearing that Associate Justice Laurence D. Rubin, who was appointed by Gov. Gray Davis, "asked a lot of probing questions," that Presiding Justice Tricia A. Bigelow, an Arnold Schwarzenegger appointee, "appeared to support the status quo" and that Associate Justice Elizabeth A. Grimes, another Schwarzenegger appointee, "was silent." As for Harper, she "did an excellent job of standing up to all questions asked of her and was not intimidated by the setting or the tough questions."

ORIGINAL POST, OCT. 28, 7:08 A.M.: A Newport Beach movie producer and Orange County private investigator will be in a state appeals court in Los Angeles today when oral arguments are heard in the murder conviction of Michael Frank Goodwin, a businessman who was found guilty by a jury in Pasadena in 2007 after the OC District Attorney's office charged him with masterminding the slayings of racing legend Mickey Thompson and his wife Trudy in 1988.

Larry Cano, executive producer of the 1983 plutonium plant potboiler Silkwood, and Paul E. Blackford, a former Scottsdale police detective-turned-P.I., claim to have uncovered proof of Goodwin's innocence--"proof" they will uncover in an upcoming book and television miniseries.

No one would be more elated at having that come out than Goodwin, who is currently serving his 13th year of a double life sentence without the possibility of parole for the Thompson murders. Those slayings played a supporting role in my August 2013 Weekly cover story "Challenger 2.5," which is about the quest by Danny Thompson, Mickey's son, to set a land speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flat's in his father's modernized streamliner.

Challenger 2.5: Danny Thompson Races Toward the Bonneville Salt Flats

This is from that story, after a bit about Danny Thompson agreeing in late 1987 to try to make the racing record books on behalf of his father, who was too frail to pilot the craft:

The plans were set. But on the morning of March 16, 1988, [Mickey] Thompson was stopped at his Bradbury estate by an intruder, who shot and wounded him and dragged him into the driveway. A second gunman came out from nowhere to shoot and kill his second wife, Trudy, then walked back up to Mickey--who was being watched over by the first shooter--and executed "The Speed King" with a bullet to the head.

The Thompsons together were shot six times, but neighbors heard no gunshots, only Trudy's screams. Witnesses also said they saw two black men ride bicycles into the woods surrounding the Thompson home that were too thick for cars and trucks. Four hours after the shootings, a gray, 10-speed Columbia-model bicycle was found down the hill from the Thompsons' residence.

As the story goes on to relate, these were cold-case murders for 13 years. Mickey's sister, Collene Campbell, the former mayor of San Juan Capistrano, pressed authorities for action and went on several TV crime shows, offering a $1 million reward for information leading to the conviction of the killers. A couple who saw one such program came forward to say they had seen Michael Goodwin, Mickey's former business partner, casing the Thompson home with binoculars two weeks before the slayings.

Despite no physical evidence linking Goodwin to the crimes, a trial court jury bought the prosecution's claim that he bumped off Mickey Thompson as revenge. Promoters of separate indoor dirt racing events, they had merged their companies before their business and personal relationship soured and Thompson successfully won a nearly $800,000 judgment from Goodwin.

The appeal by Gail Harper, Goodwin's attorney, is based on four major points:

1) Goodwin's ex-girlfriend, who he supposedly confessed to according to the prosecution, was unstable.

2) Some 9mm rounds that were said to have come from a gun Goodwin owned could not have come from his gun.

3) The couple's eyewitness testimony putting Goodwin near the murder scene before the shootings is unreliable.

4) More than 240 instances of the prosecution suppressing evidence that helped Goodwin's case.

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Good Luck Michael Goodwin. I know it wasn't you. OCDA, the Judge & Tony the Tiger should have allowed testimony that Colleen Campbell's only son was given the Columbian neck tie, dumped in the Pacific Ocean because he owed the Coloumbians money. Why a L.A. crime rejected by the D.A. was even brought to OC is beyond me. You can pay off a lot of people with $800,000.

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