Ximena Meza: Killed by the System

Gabriel San Roman
R.I.P., Ximena

By Gustavo Arellano and Gabriel San Roman

It's being called another tragic case of gang violence claiming the innocent. Nine-year-old Ximena Meza was playing with her sisters outside their family's apartment near Brookhurst Community Park in Anaheim around 7 p.m. on Oct. 22 when, police say, a white car stopped nearby. A man emerged from the vehicle, shot at a group of men standing on an apartment lawn, then hustled back into the car, which sped off into the night. While the targeted men scurried off, Ximena ran to her father's arms and collapsed, fatally shot in the chest.

Ximena's death refocused a harsh spotlight on Anaheim, a city that has drawn national attention for all the wrong reasons over the past couple of years, thanks to killer cops, anti-police riots, poverty and nasty politics. It has sparked promises from Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada to look into a gang injunction for Ximena's neighborhood (police suspect the shooting was gang-related), as well as pleas from residents and Latino leaders for more services to keep kids from the cholo life.

Quezada's men worked long hours to arrest two suspects: 19-year-old Ricardo Cruz of Buena Park and 20-year-old Anaheim resident Alfredo Miguel Aquino. Both are documented members of Ready at War (RAW), a Buena Park gang allied with the notorious Anaheim FOLKS, which just happens to have a longtime beef with the Chicanos Kicking Ass (CKA) gang that claims the barrio where Ximena lived.

Her family welcomed news of the swift arrests. "The reaction of the whole family is that we're pleased," Ximena's uncle Francisco Ortiz told the Weekly while taking a break from a funeral fund-raising car wash at Servite High School over the weekend. "It's not going to bring Ximena back, but at least she can rest in peace knowing they got the guys who killed her."

The investigation is still ongoing, according to Anaheim P.D. spokesman Bob Dunn, who added, "We're certainly [including] the possibility of other people being involved" in the murder. But the biggest tragedy of Ximena's early death is that Aquino and Cruz shouldn't have been roaming free at all--especially not together. Instead, California's Byzantine sentencing laws and a lenient court let the cholos escape jail time despite violating the law and their probation again and again, a Weekly investigation has found.

Like two peas in a criminal pod, Aquino and Cruz have a history of breaking the law side-by-side. Aquino and Cruz already had a criminal past as juveniles, each having spent time in prison for assault with a deadly weapon and a gang enhancement, when Buena Park police stopped the white Honda Civic Aquino was driving on Oct. 29, 2013. The two tried to evade the cops after a traffic stop in which their passenger made a run for it, but were unsuccessful. Aquino was driving without a license; Cruz was high on marijuana. Inside the car was a billy club. Police impounded the Civic and arrested Aquino and Cruz; they were each charged with a felony for the weapon, gang enhancements, and misdemeanors for their respective crimes and general street terrorism.

They pleaded guilty to those crimes this past July 17; each could've received seven years in state prison. (Plus, Anaheim police had nabbed Aquino in January for vandalizing a continuation school.) Instead, the two got three years' probation, the terms of which prohibited them from hanging out with their gang, getting tattoos, carrying a cell phone or getting high and included an explicit condition each of them had to initial: "Do not, in any manner, directly or indirectly, initiate contact with, nor have any communication with" each other.

That didn't happen. On Sept. 20, Buena Park police officers saw Aquino and Cruz hanging around outside a liquor store in RAW territory, a direct violation of their probation. Cruz took off, jumping a wall before getting arrested; Aquino stayed put, deciding to be "uncooperative and argumentative with the officers," according to a probation report. Two days later, their probation officer, Michael J. Redwood, filed a petition with the court that showed the two should've been in jail for violating their probation long before. In July and on Sept. 9, Aquino had been caught with a cell phone (which held photos of him flashing gang signs) and failed a drug test; Cruz had failed a drug test, was caught with a knife and got three tattoos--one on his head reading "Ready at War," one under his eye of the three-dot sign symbolizing "mi vida loca," and one of a skull eating a bullet on his arm, which, Redwood said, Cruz told him he "knew he was not allowed to get."

Redwood wrote in his report that both of their progress for probation had been "poor," that Cruz had "blatantly defied court orders" and that Aquino "has done little since his release to improve his behavior." Of Aquino, Redwood added he "felt that [Aquino] needs to be held accountable for his actions, and time in custody could help him get back on track." He didn't have as much hope for Cruz, writing, "It is of concern that he continues to engage in inappropriate behavior, and it is felt that he needs to be held accountable for his actions." The probation officer finished his report by recommending 45 days in OC Jail for Aquino and that Cruz serve his original seven-year term in state prison.

On Sept. 24, Orange County Superior Court Commissioner Christopher Evans sentenced Aquino to 30 days in OC Jail; five days later, Evans sentenced Cruz to serve 16 months in state prison. Neither served a day of their sentence, though; instead, the two were credited for time served for previous stints, put back on probation and set free.

A month later, police say, one of them killed Ximena.

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My Voice Nation Help

The only "system" involved here is the production of these thugs by identifiable portions of Anaheim. They are the product of your social structure. Little Ximena died because people have spent so long looking away. It's time to look in the mirror. It's time to take back YOUR TURF. The cops can't. Only you can.

Tim Carvin
Tim Carvin

Lol at @martin gilbert claiming others are being racist while repeatedly making sweeping race-based generalizations. Dumbass

Timothy Okuda
Timothy Okuda

^And that's a problem? Gang members ought to be shot on the spot.

Claudia De Leon Fisk
Claudia De Leon Fisk

I pray for her father, who will be tortured. forever. All she wanted was her daddy's arms while she died. Tears me up inside. Vaya con dios Angelita. Rest in peace.


It's time double, triple, shit quadruple sentences for gangbangers. We need a county-wide gang injunction. No more soft lenient sentences. "Good behavior"? That's a bunch of nonsense, obviously only when it's convenient to these no-good punks. Stop releasing these pendejos early, they are community terrorists.

May you find peace with God little Ximena.


Dirtbag cholos killed Ximena Meza. 

Exterminate the cholos, deport their "undocumented" parents and seal the border. That's a start. 


I want to let everyone to know the XIMENA was a sweet little girl she was are family my kids and her use to go to the park and play almost every day Tuesday was ximena sumba dance at the park she enjoy dancing ximena was our angel and we know she is looking down for us i will like to us everyone to just pray for her and always be happy no matter how hard is your life we always should thanks god my little XIMENA. you will be in our life for ever.

Carrie Patrick
Carrie Patrick

I hope they beat the crap out of them in prison sorry asses.


killed by the system?

killed by two wetbacks more like it.

Ready at war? Doesn't make sense 

Julio Rubio
Julio Rubio

I hope those two motherfucker get rape n kill in jail

Lezayrj Wis
Lezayrj Wis

These comments are amazingly illiterate.. God sent prayers for this child and family.. I'm soooorry for the loss... You bi***s On here talking about it, do something about It pricks... Have some respect Hispanic Folks..

Greece Ramirez
Greece Ramirez

Amalia Robledo horrible \U0001f614\U0001f62d\U0001f64f\U0001f607\U0001f47c

Amalia Robledo
Amalia Robledo

Que Tristeza. Solo de pensar que falleció en lo brazos de su papa me parte el alma. 😔

Amalia Robledo
Amalia Robledo

To have your own baby girl die in your arms is a pain no one should ever feel. Brakes my heart and brings tears to my eyes. I pray for the family To find peace, and to help them get through this tough, horrible time. May god bless them.

Amalia Robledo
Amalia Robledo

Breaks my heart. No parent should suffer the lost of there own child.

Bobby Godinez
Bobby Godinez

9 years old ... very sorry this happened ... my condolences. Stop the killing all you criminal low-lifes.

Ćhëlšéa Ñiçołe Fłammâ
Ćhëlšéa Ñiçołe Fłammâ

How sad \U0001f62a\U0001f62a\U0001f62a how sick can someone be to kill a 9 yr old or a kid or anyone for that matter and especially a child or a baby I am a shamed of who ever killed her left alone I'm mad to know someone did that . But my thoughts n prayers go out to her family

Joe Provino
Joe Provino

As a dad, I can't imagine having to deal with that...beyond heartbreaking...brings tears to my eyes....

Joe Provino
Joe Provino

I could not even fathom how excruciatingly painful that sight must have been for her dad, and horrified she was at what happens to her.... If there is a God, please deal with those two pieces of filth in a way that will torment them beyond imagination

West Tect
West Tect

So sad. May her soul rest in peace with god.

Gary Sutherlin
Gary Sutherlin

Making this a race issue just adds to the problem. There's low life vermon like these idiots in every race.

Selina Hrtlss Lievanos
Selina Hrtlss Lievanos

Oh I agree with u. I was that kid. I've been working with youth in Santa Ana for 13yrs and ure absolutely right focus isn't on getting them help its pushing them off to the next system and I have always tried my best to at least try and mentor them. This statement was for these 2 in particular who have had run-ins before and the system let them go with no harsh restrictions or penalty and look what happened? It sucks all the way around

Justin-Amanda Thiessen
Justin-Amanda Thiessen

her father will replay that moment forever. :( having two daughters myself, i cannot imagine. my heart breaks

Israel Pineda
Israel Pineda

Ya esta en completa paz xk era un angelito creado x Dios

Juan Carlos Yanez
Juan Carlos Yanez


Gc Rivera
Gc Rivera

Kirk Rass what are you talking about? Since when do Mexicans "love to be called cholos?" Tell me, how many unbiased polls did you conduct to arrive to that conclusion? What happened to this little girl is a tragedy! The judicial system failed and allowed these cowards to roam free.

Crystal Gavin
Crystal Gavin

This makes me sick, no matter what happens to them, that little girl will not be able to live her life. There are such evil people in this world... And they will all have to go on with hate and evil In their souls... May god bless that little angel and her family:(

Katie Bhargava
Katie Bhargava

May that innocent child rest in peace and the family find some way to cope. As for the heathens who did this, may they rot in hell very soon!

Jaime Alberto Flores
Jaime Alberto Flores

Until us Latino parents don't clamp down on the gang problem in our neighborhoods there will be many more unfortunate young lives snuffed out!

Shirley Webster
Shirley Webster

Very sad indeed. A very special place in heaven for this angel I'm sure.....

Griselda Morones
Griselda Morones

I agree with you to an extent. It's difficult sometimes to pull Yourself back and realize that these prisoners were children too. Something must have happened. But it is a pain that those who do minor things get worse treatment (especially if they're non-white). In terms of the gang members, the older ones are already too deep inside. We have to target the young population getting into these gangs. What are we doing in our community and schools that's failing our kids to succeed? Wouldn't you think it's the fact that the schools are focusing too much on those that are doing well, and ignoring those who are struggling? Whatever happened to no child left behind? There has to be equality in schools too. The minute first time juvenile offenders enter back to the community they are stigmatized and singled out as outsiders and miscreants. So what better to do than go to the gang where they think they feel validated. And then they are forced and brainwash to believe the "rules" of that life...and then horrible stuff like this happens. It just sucks.

Adriana Gonzalez
Adriana Gonzalez

Too beautiful for earth. Rest in paradise and fly high little angel! Blessings to her parents and comfort to their hearts. \U0001f64f

Selina Hrtlss Lievanos
Selina Hrtlss Lievanos

IDK what's worse.. them getting out for "time served" in X amount of years and being so young, or them gng to prison and living a better life than us who are productive members of society. we as tax payers pay for him to eat 3 meals a day, watch tv, call his family/loved ones, have visitation from them, they have ways of getting cell phones in, access to the internet as well.. Yet, this poor little girl's family can never, hear her voice, give her a hug, see her graduate school, or get married, and all for what?? territory of somewhere they probably don't even pay to live around? this country is so set on keeping illegal immigrants out yet we don't protect our own people fairly either!! the justice system gives 2nd and 3rds and 4th chances to REPEAT offenders and throws the book at first time offenses at backing up into a postal vehicle on accident. SMH. Prayers to little mamas family. I pray that justice is served to this cowards.

Roberto Avalon
Roberto Avalon

As soon these guys hit the yard in San Quentin they gonna get stuck. That's a given. For their sakes, I hope they turn to the Lord Jesus for forgiveness before they get taken out because there's no turning back from the eternal barbecue...

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