From Poverty To NFL To Pimping, Marquis Horn Is Heading To The Slammer

Horn catches football and lengthy prison sentence for pimping
The 16-year-old Orange County High School for the Arts student wasn't exactly innocent in 2013 when two men in a large, white SUV picked her up from class.

Having worked as a model as well as a prostitute selling herself "to the highest bidder," the attractive, fit, brunette girl posed as an 18-year-old and caused the rendezvous by posting a risqué photo Internet ad that prompted one of the men, "Taylor," to contact her by phone.

Driven to a Santa Ana La Quinta Hotel off the 55 Freeway, the girl later told FBI agents that she believed she was there only to perform legitimate modeling services.

But when she arrived in a hotel room she saw numerous older women, was pressured to smoke marijuana and then "Taylor," actually Long Beach-native Marquis Horn, a onetime, training camp member of the New Orleans Saints and U.S. Olympic team hopeful turned Southern California pimp, got her alone and tried to sexually assault her before she escaped, according to an FBI report.

It turns out that Horn was operating a lucrative prostitution ring in Orange County that used Pimpology, an actual book, as a step-by-step guide for how pimps can pretend to start a romantic relationship with a targeted female, promise financial security, win emotional attachment and then force the victim to sell her body for sex with anonymous men.

"The model [for Horn's business] included using fraudulent Internet postings to lure vulnerable young women into romantic relationships with false promises of love and financial support," a U.S. Department of Justice report states. "Once the victims were emotionally entangled, they were psychologically manipulated and coerced into prostituting and relinquishing their earnings."

Horn's stable of women--African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Caucasians--received as little as 20 percent or as much as 40 percent of the prostitution fee, depending on his mood.

To him, the women were just "hoes" and "bitches," according to more than 400 text messages located by government agents conducting a search warrant.

In one message to a fellow pimp, Horn bragged he had "5 bitches" on his "roster" and that he'd sampled the merchandise to make sure it was "good."

In another message, he learned that one of his women had resisted performing sexual intercourse, a stance that prompted him to say, "I need to break a bitch down . . . Get her here, pleez."

In Feb. 2013, a federal grand jury indicted Horn, who was a track star at Florida State University, for "sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion."

Though in July Horn pleaded guilty, his defense lawyer argued that his client's role in prostitution was "minor" and deserving of a punishment reduction because he'd grown up in extremely poor conditions. In fact, the lawyer stated, "it is truly remarkable" that Horn is as "accomplished" as he is, and then noted his NFL experience; work as a Hollywood extra, fashion model and AFLAC commercial actor; and alleged emergence from a Los Angeles street gang.

But federal prosecutors call Horn's sex trade conduct "reprehensible" and point to his weighty rap sheet that includes vehicle thefts, disturbing the peace, grand theft, burglary, receiving stolen property and prior pimping convictions.

"The defendant's criminal activities were calculated and predatory," the prosecutors reported while asking U.S. District Court Judge Josephine Staton Tucker to sentence the 36-year-old pimp to a prison term of 135 months.

Shirtless Horn modeling
Before sentencing, Horn begged the judge for mercy.

"My childhood and teenage years are not among the best memories I have," he wrote from a Santa Ana Jail cell. "My mother relied on food stamps and government funding for as long as I can remember to support us and her drug and alcohol addiction. My mother was addicted to crack cocaine, alcohol and cigarettes. I have four beautiful sisters. None of us have the same father and not one of these male figures were around to help my mother care for us. I remember moving from place to place as a teenager, never staying in one place for more than one year. At the apartments we lived in throughout the city, they were all located in the worst areas of Long Beach. There was hardly food in the refrigerator, our electricity and heat was constantly off. We also had rats and roaches as roommates."

The sad story may have worked.

This week inside Orange County's Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse, Tucker--a President Barack Obama appointee in 2010--determined the correct punishment for Horn is a 78-month prison stint, or about five years less than what prosecutors sought.

She also ordered him to register as a sex offender and undergo supervised probation for five years after his release from prison.

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sweetliberty17761776 topcommenter

Another consequence of the Dems war on women

men are taught that women are ho's and bitches by the welfare states insistence that men are not needed as "man of the family"

etc etc

so men grow up resenting women and on it goes

Ch Ta
Ch Ta

I agree, the girls need their justice too!


"I have four beautiful sisters. None of us have the same father and not one of these male figures were around to help my mother care for us"

I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

And the more kids his mom pumped out, the bigger da check ebery mumf!!!  Yaaay!

JGlanton topcommenter

FYI, Marquis Horn never played in one game of NFL football. He was on the Saints team briefly but never played.

He had the right criminal background for the National Felons League, but at 158 pounds, he could only be water boy.

JGlanton topcommenter

"My mother relied on food stamps and government funding for as long as I can remember to support us and her drug and alcohol addiction. "

Government funding enables drug and gangster lifestyles. Show me a drug-addicted mother that isn't on the government tit. You can't. Without government money, those kids would have had no less to eat. But momma would have less money for drugs and booze, or she would be gone.

n2bigmuscle topcommenter

I really feel sorry for the mothers of the girls hooking-up with this creep specially if the mothers were thinking this guy was going to be good for their daughter.  Ya know being in the NFL and model.


It's maddening to me how "sorry" a defendant is once they've been indicted and are facing years in the clink.  I bet he wasn't sorry when he was reeking havoc within the victim's lives.  Glad this monster will be off the streets for a while!

949girl topcommenter

What a loser.  He had professional opportunities and he chooses to do this.  He got awfully light.


Just another BOS loser.  Flush this turd and be done with him.

whateveryousay topcommenter

Somebody is going to be on the starting lineup in the prison league

Christie Robuck-Cassady
Christie Robuck-Cassady

That sentence is outrageous. Horn talks about his beautiful sisters and yet he didn't think for one minute that the girls working for him were also someone's beautiful sister....What a pig!

Anna Apodaca
Anna Apodaca

Bullshit, dude should've gotten more time

JGlanton topcommenter

@n2bigmuscle I'll bet his modeling career is no less stellar than his non-existent NFL career. Oh yeah, and his "acting" career as an extra for $50/day. The only thing he really could do well was raping little teenage girls and forcing them into prostitution. He shoulda joined ISIS and run away before his incarceration. He would have fit right in.

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