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Some of the Things We Do

Founded Austin Unchained.
A celebrated day of shopping locally for the holidays—now celebrated in 
communities across the nation as America Unchained.

Furnish I Bought Local stickers to our retail members.
Pick one up to show you care.

Tweet & Facebook about all that our members do.
Follow the fun with AIBA members.

Create and promote IBIZ Districts®.
Destination shopping districts of locally owned businesses for you to shop in.

Hold mixers for our members.
So they can relax with their cohorts and trade ideas to be better businesses for you.

Produce luncheons and breakfast meetings
for members and future members.

Including informative and educational business-building presentations.

Founded Summer of Independents.
Wave the local business flag on July 4th and throughout the summer
by playing the Air Conditioned Scavenger Hunt in July.

Publish IndieAustin, a directory of members.
Distributed at more than 250 locations to help you find locally owned businesses.

Authored the Local Business Manifesto.
A plan for local government and local business.

Advocate for locally owned business.
Hear our collective voice as we represent local business
to elected officials, government and the community.

Raise the visibility of local business issues.
To create vibrant community dialogue.

Advocate for locally owned business.
Hear our collective voice as we represent local business 
to elected officials, government and the community.

Organize the IBIZ District Holiday Window Shopping Contest.
A fun way for you to enjoy holiday window shopping
with local businesses and win prizes.

Partner on business building workshops.
To help our members succeed so you can shop with them.

Promote independent businesses to tourists.
We all like to see what’s unique in our travels.

Help local businesses solve problems.
Problems? What problems? No problems here.

Enlighten you about the cultural and 
economic importance
of local spending.

So you can keep your money circulating in Austin

Have fun doing it all.
And we do. We hope you do too.