Bark 'n Purr

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Did you miss our last newsletter?

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*also feel free to view the newsletter in full in order to have full access to all of the click-through links


October Photo Challenge

Day 18 - Orange

(still playing catch up on the OPC)


Posted 6 days ago | 660 notes | via | ©

Last week we told you all about Weruva’s cuisines, but this week is a little different. We want to shine a spotlight on a different product altogether, the wonderful and healthful Pumpkin Patch Up package.
We’ve told you before that pumpkin helps relieve digestive issues in both dogs and cats, but it also prevents the issues as well! Weruva took note of that and introduced this product, a puree that is easily mixed with your pets’ food or given as a treat in order to keep their tummy happy.
And it only feels extra fitting this time of year, doesn’t it?
But why choose pumpkin? Click here to get all of the facts on why pumpkin is the right choice for your pets.

Last week we told you all about Weruva’s cuisines, but this week is a little different. We want to shine a spotlight on a different product altogether, the wonderful and healthful Pumpkin Patch Up package.

We’ve told you before that pumpkin helps relieve digestive issues in both dogs and cats, but it also prevents the issues as well! Weruva took note of that and introduced this product, a puree that is easily mixed with your pets’ food or given as a treat in order to keep their tummy happy.

And it only feels extra fitting this time of year, doesn’t it?

But why choose pumpkin? Click here to get all of the facts on why pumpkin is the right choice for your pets.



Alexandra Yakushina

That’s how we feel this Friday.
Happy weekend, everyone!



That’s how we feel this Friday.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Posted 1 week ago | 454 notes | via

Today is National Pug Day, everyone! Celebrate!

National Pug Day is an International project founded in 2012 by Celebrity Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate Colleen Paige, to celebrate this wonderful, loving and loyal breed and to encourage Pug lovers all over the world to adopt their next Pug from the shelter or a Pug Rescue rather than buying from a pet store. 
There are many Pug rescues all over the world with wonderful Pugs looking for a good home. (via)

There are many Pug rescues all over the world, including right here in Austin. If you’re looking for a new addition to your family, consider rescuing a Pug today.

Today is National Pug Day, everyone! Celebrate!

National Pug Day is an International project founded in 2012 by Celebrity Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate Colleen Paige, to celebrate this wonderful, loving and loyal breed and to encourage Pug lovers all over the world to adopt their next Pug from the shelter or a Pug Rescue rather than buying from a pet store.

There are many Pug rescues all over the world with wonderful Pugs looking for a good home. (via)

There are many Pug rescues all over the world, including right here in Austin. If you’re looking for a new addition to your family, consider rescuing a Pug today.

Happy hump day, everyone! 
Today at Bark ‘n Purr it is Weruva Wednesday, a new trend we’re starting in partnership with this wonderful brand. Weruva has so much to offer and we want to share all of that goodness with you.
For instance, did you know five of their most popular recipes were given an upgrade and made even better? It’s true!
Read up!

Happy hump day, everyone! 

Today at Bark ‘n Purr it is Weruva Wednesday, a new trend we’re starting in partnership with this wonderful brand. Weruva has so much to offer and we want to share all of that goodness with you.

For instance, did you know five of their most popular recipes were given an upgrade and made even better? It’s true!

Read up!

photo: Christopher Tomlinson for AP
A-to-Z of Halloween for Pet Safety 
Halloween can be fun for everyone from kids, to parents, to pets, but not every bit of fun is created equal. We compiled an A-to-Z list of all the ways to get your furry friends prepared for Halloween.

A is for… Apple! Wait, no. It’s for Aesthetics. All of your pretty decorations probably look great, and it’s likely your pets think so too. Make sure any animal in your house can’t get tangled or doesn’t decide to take a bite out of any of your decor though. Both of those scenarios can be dangerous and messy in their own right. 
B is for… Black! Sometimes, this world isn’t always as nice as we’d like it to be. Unfortunately on Halloween, this is very true when dealing with black animals. Black cats are especially targeted on Halloween. Some folks believe they bring good luck on the holiday, but some believe the opposite and have ill intentions. Be sure if you have a dark coated outdoor cat, you keep them safe this Halloween.
C is for… Candy! And how your pets should avoid it! It’s always tempting to toss a piece over when you get those begging eyes, but candy is bad news. It can cause upset stomachs or even worse problems, depending on the size of your dog. Of course, there are some candies that don’t do harm, but it is best to avoid them all.
D is for… Dressing up! Who isn’t tempted to give their buddies a costume? Let’s face it, shameful or not, seeing a pet in a cape or a dress is just cute. But don’t forget that some costumes aren’t too cozy for your pets, and sometimes, they might actually hurt. Give those costumes a test run to make sure your animal can breathe, walk around comfortably, and use the facilities properly — you wouldn’t want to ruin the costume that way either. 
E is for… Energy! Halloween is fun for everyone and it isn’t hard to get wrapped up in all the energy. Be careful though, because getting your pets too excited doesn’t always make for a fun night. If you’re going out, try to run around with your animals before leaving so that they aren’t too wound up when you’re gone. With all of the changes that come on Halloween, it probably isn’t a good idea if your pet is hyper and unattended. 
F is for… Fire! Most animals have a natural tendency to avoid fire, like the flame of a Halloween candle, but not all do. Make sure your pets are kept away from those candles in order to avoid upsetting the animal, but also to avoid any accidental fires. 

G is for… Gates! Whether its a safety gate inside your home, or a fence out back, make sure those babies are secure! Startles may cause your pet to try extra hard to force its way past a gate, and that is never safe. 
H is for… Hats! As cute as hats may be on your pets, they’re not always the best idea for a costume addition. Dogs and cats aren’t built like humans, so hats don’t stay on properly without some elastic help, and any type of band should be avoided due to choking hazards. Also, most pets need their head clear so they can hear properly, especially on Halloween. 
I is for… ID! Make sure your pets have their collars on this Halloween, and definitely make sure those tags are thorough and up to date. Even if you don’t plan on taking any walks, it is always safe on spooky nights to keep your pets safe.
J is for… Jewelry! Jewelry is never a good idea for animals, but don’t forget about your jewelry too. Costume jewelry is notorious for being flimsy and causing a significant choking hazard, so keep yours far from your furry friends this year. 
K is for… Kids! Seems like an obvious one, but some don’t realize how poorly many children and animals get along. Even if your pet loves little ones, that doesn’t mean mixing the two is always a good idea. Be prepared for children who are afraid or who might lash out against your pet. It happens.
L is for… Laziness! Some pets just don’t care about any of this hoopla, and that is okay too. Don’t force your pet into any tradition that they don’t seem happy about, whether that is a costume or a walk around the block with the kids. Sometimes it’s better to just stay in. 

M is for… Microchips! ID tags are an obvious choice of costume for your pet this year, but so are microchips! Most humane societies offer a chipping service and low-to-no cost, especially around holidays like Halloween or July 4th where pets may run away after a startle. Think ahead and chip your pets, just in case.
N is for… Noise! You know your pets better than anyone, so keep their noise tolerance in mind this year. Even if you’re inside, Halloween sounds can be very loud, so keep your pets calm and comfortable. 
O is for… Older pets! Many older pets can’t handle the drama that comes with these events. If that is the case in your house, please be cautious and careful. Make sure someone can stay home with your mature pal and keep them comfortable. 
P is for… Porches! Protect that porch, people! Whether you decide to sit outside and pass out candy, leave a porch light on, or forego it altogether, keep your porch safe. Your pets can easily dart out a door or even scare some trick-or-treaters, so be weary of your animals’ natural behaviors - and even of the behaviors that might not be so natural but come out in stressful situations. 
Q is for… Quiet! Some pet owners have the instinct to put their pets in a quiet room with food and water. While that is a valid solution for some animals, it isn’t healthy for each one. Some pets become agitated when they know they are cut off from the real events going on outside the door. They might damage the room or hurt themselves, so keep your pets’ temperament in mind.
R is for… Reflection! Don’t forget to put a reflector on any pet you take outside at night this Halloween. Most people will drive cautiously thanks to trick-or-treaters but you can never be too careful on holidays!

S is for… Stress! While noises are one stressor many pets face on Halloween, it isn’t the only one. Smells and sights can get them too. Be careful with the scented decorations and the scary costumes. It may be silly for a short while when a pooch barks at an evil mask, but you don’t want to seriously frighten your pet either. 
T is for… The Tail! It can be hard to tell how your pet is feeling sometimes, but you can almost always tell by their tail. Like we said before, you know your pets best, so keep an eye out for their usual tail motions and be on alert for any changes. 
U is for… Unrelenting! If it is too loud, too scary, or overall too stressful, don’t just think “they’ll be okay tomorrow.” Try to remove your pet from the uncomfortable situation they’re in and help them find calm elsewhere. Whether that means putting an early end to passing out candy or taking a drive, your pet might just need a break.
V is for… Visitors! If you’re throwing a party, that means you won’t just have new friends at your doors, but inside as well. That is fine and dandy, but don’t forget about your pets! Large groups, especially potentially spooky ones, can be a huge source of stress for your pets. They might hide away in fear or act out with aggression. Keep your animals’ well-being in mind when having guests over. 
W is for… Wires! Have an electric pumpkin or a plug-in decoration? If so, try to be extra alert when your pet comes around. Some pets have a natural tendency to go straight for wires and quickly chew, which is an obvious danger. Be careful!
X is for… Xylitol! What’s that funny word, you ask? It is the name of a common sweetener put in many candies passed out on Halloween. While we already cautioned you against treats for pets, this one is especially dangerous. Candies with xylitol in them can cause shock and seizures in many pets by lowering blood sugar levels dramatically. 

Y is for… the Yard! While it might sound like a good idea to let your pet hang outside to blow off some steam on Halloween, make sure they’re not unattended. It is a scary holiday for many pets and they need you, even if they don’t know it. If your pets go outside, you should be right there with them to make sure they are safe and happy. 
Z is for… Zombies! Okay, this one is a stretch, but like we said, there are so many things that might frighten your pets this year, zombies included. We want you to have the best holiday, but we want your pets to enjoy it too. Be safe!

photo: Christopher Tomlinson for AP

A-to-Z of Halloween for Pet Safety 

Halloween can be fun for everyone from kids, to parents, to pets, but not every bit of fun is created equal. We compiled an A-to-Z list of all the ways to get your furry friends prepared for Halloween.

Read More

Did you guys catch our October newsletter? If not, we don’t want you to miss it!
Hopefully you have already heard of some of our deals this month from us on Tumblr, Twitter, or over at Facebook, but we had more for you! Ryan Cummings of The Bones & Co. had a lot to share with us about the benefits of feeding your pets a raw diet. Check it out!
And if that is a little hard to read, you can click on the image for an enlarged version of the newsletter. Don’t forget to put yourself on the list for our next one! 

Did you guys catch our October newsletter? If not, we don’t want you to miss it!

Hopefully you have already heard of some of our deals this month from us on Tumblr, Twitter, or over at Facebook, but we had more for you! Ryan Cummings of The Bones & Co. had a lot to share with us about the benefits of feeding your pets a raw diet. Check it out!

And if that is a little hard to read, you can click on the image for an enlarged version of the newsletter. Don’t forget to put yourself on the list for our next one! 

Keep Cool and Avoid Zilker: Our Favorite Dog Parks in Austin During ACL


photo: Jorge Corona for KUT News

Auditorium Shores - Off Leash!
920 West Riverside Dr.
Austin, TX 78701

This is the best dog park in Austin, hands down.  Beautiful view, and my crazy dog can go between running in circles through the large grassy area and cooling off in town lake.  I’m usually here on weekday mornings, and everybody is really friendly.”
- Grace G on Yelp!


photo: Chris A.

Bull Creek District Park - Leashes Please!
6701 Lakewood Dr
Austin, TX 78731

Love this park. Bring the kids, a picnic and your friendly dog. It isn’t “off leash” anymore but plenty of people did it. I’m a dog person and if your dog is friendly than by all means. I did have another visitor ask first if it was okay to let her dog off before just doing it which was nice. When I was there the other day another group LOST their dog so I felt bad they were looking for it all over the place. So - cool little spot, if you are going to let your dog off leash at least keep a watchful eye!”
- Sarah T on Yelp!


Photo: John M.P. Knox

Walnut Creek Park - Off Leash!
* Beware of Bikers
12138 N. Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78758

Look, I gotta tell you, this is the best place in the entire universe to take your dog, unless your dog is afraid of beauty and life and all that is good, in which case, I’m sorry, that sounds awful, your poor dog. Now, this park is beautiful, and there’s an awesome creek, and awesome trees, and tons of dogs running around screaming their heads off because they can’t believe how lucky they are to be alive in such a beautiful place, especially when life is so short and fleeting.”
- Kate I on Yelp!


photo: Walk Your Dog Austin

Emma Long Metro Park (Turkey Creek) - Off Leash!
1600 City Park Rd.
Austin, TX 78701

Once you get there, your dog will quickly jump out of the car-turned-deathtrap and run happily for hours. The main trail is mostly flat with several creek crossings. The sides trails have some elevation and make it into a real workout. There’s no real way you can get lost so run free! It’s also a great place to people watch or check out dogs. The people are fit and the dogs are happy - just the way Nature intended them to be. ”
- Jim W on Yelp!


photo: Joe Paul Reider

Red Bud Isle - Off Leash!
3401 Red Bud Trail Unit Cr.
Austin, TX 78735

If I were into conspiracy theories, I would suspect that Red Bud is not a naturally occurring island, but an artificial land-mass built by a secret cabal of dogs. Everything is a little too perfect. Hmm. It’s a benevolent cabal, though: Red Bud is the only dog park with water deep and uncontaminated enough (north side) to join your dog in the water. The south side of the island is a great place to throw tennis balls for your fetch-crazy dog.”
- Kim R on Yelp!

Just can’t get enough? Check out this great list for even more places to bring your pets. Have fun, Austin!

Did we leave out any of your favorites? Tell us where your furry friend loves to go! 

We here at Bark ‘n Purr definitely intend to keep you informed through this blog, and our other social networks, but we want to make sure you don’t miss a thing..
If you want to stay on top of all of our offers and updates, you can subscribe to our newsletter! 
Don’t worry, we won’t spam your email with daily incentives or annoying pleas for you to buy something you don’t need — that’s not our style. Instead, we take our time to package all of our recent news and offers in one pretty email so that you can find everything you need to know in one place. What’s better than that?
Sign up now!

We here at Bark ‘n Purr definitely intend to keep you informed through this blog, and our other social networks, but we want to make sure you don’t miss a thing..

If you want to stay on top of all of our offers and updates, you can subscribe to our newsletter! 

Don’t worry, we won’t spam your email with daily incentives or annoying pleas for you to buy something you don’t need — that’s not our style. Instead, we take our time to package all of our recent news and offers in one pretty email so that you can find everything you need to know in one place. What’s better than that?

Sign up now!

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