DFW Moms

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  • G9E3A119O.5STF
    Squid ink, beef cheeks, pork belly. If you know what to do with these unusual foods, the results can be terrific, not terrifying.
  • GIO3AFS7Q.2
    A cloudy sky is enough to put any Wolf Man astronomer in a sour mood, but really, you try holding your compass with those ridiculous nails. The face full of fur doesn’t help either, and oh, there’s that occasional urge to viciously savage the local townspeople, too.
  • G02396NR7.3
    Make creative and colorful Halloween gifts and decorations using the holiday’s favorite sweet treat.
  • GPE3938S8.3
    A healthier Halloween means including less sugary treats and more non-food items, plus watching out for Fido’s safety.
  • GR538TKSR.3STF
    Set the stage for a ghoulish good time with these easy projects and recipes
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