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CAIR Spokesman: Inviting Bill Maher To Berkeley Like Inviting "Grand Dragon Of The KKK"

GREG LUKIANOFF: The fact that people so vehemently disagree with him is the more reason to hear him out. It’s an art that I feel is actually being lost on our campuses, where we should be teaching people is to at least hear people out, what they’re going to say, before you to get them kicked off campus.

IMBRAHIM HOOPER, CAIR: So if they invited the Grand Dragon of the KKK or a rabid anti-Semite?

LUKIANOFF: So Bill Maher is the Grand Dragon of the KKK? I can’t until Bill Maher hears that. So Bill Maher is the Grand Dragon of the KKK. I think Bill will have fun with that.

HOOPER: We’re saying it can never be challenged. That’s a form of extremism on its own.

TAMRON HALL, MSNBC: Greg, let’s be clear. I know you know he's not saying that. He's not saying Bill Maher is the Grand Dragon. He’s simply, and you can call me out on it then. I took Bill Maher’s quote, "talk to a woman who’s ever dated an Arab man," and the results are not good. I said insert black man and would people have the same thing. And I’m certainly not…

HOOPER: He’s called for racial profiling.

LUKIANOFF: I mean, it’s just amazing in the debates how quickly speakers are likened to Hitler and the Grand Dragon of the KKK.

HOOPER: I was using that as an example of somebody, would you endorse having that person speak and say nothing about it? If they were spewing the kind of things that the KKK or a rabid anti-Semite?

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