October 29, 2014

Pope Francis and the Devil

Elizabeth Tenety, America Magazine

Why does so much of Pope Francis' speech seem to be haunted by the Devil?

"For Francis, the Devil is not a myth, but a real person," explains Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., of Salt and Light TV, in a new video that is part of The Living Word collaboration between America and the American Bible Society.

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TAGGED: Devil, Pope Francis


October 23, 2014
Archbishop Chaput vs. Pope Francis
Michael Sean Winters, NCR
Archbishop Charles Chaput aligned himself with Cardinal Raymond Burke on Monday night as a severe critic of the Synod on the Family. According to this news reports from David Gibson at RNS, +Chaput was asked about the synod at a... more ››
October 24, 2014
The Pope Is Not the Problem
Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture
Thoroughly rattled by the stories that emerged from the October meeting of the Synod of Bishops, many faithful Catholics are now worried that Pope Francis is leading the Church in a dangerous direction—and perhaps even... more ››
October 27, 2014
The Pope and the Precipice
Ross Douthat, New York Times
TO grasp why events this month in Rome — publicly feuding cardinals, documents floated and then disavowed — were so remarkable in the context of modern Catholic history, it helps to understand certain practical... more ››
October 29, 2014
The Pope Francis Honeymoon Is Over
John Allen, Crux
A kerfuffle broke out last week over a lecture given by Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput and sponsored by First Things magazine, generally considered the smartest journal of conservative Catholic opinion in... more ››
October 23, 2014
Pope Francis Plays the Long Game
Tom Heneghan, Reuters
After winning praise around the world for his fresh and open style, the honeymoon period seems to be over for Pope Francis.A tumultuous two-week Vatican synod exposed polarization in the Catholic Church over his push to reform... more ››