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Steve Hayes on Israel: When Was The Last Time Obama Admin Used Same Rhetoric Against Iran?

STEVE HAYES, WEEKLY STANDARD: I think the most significant impact is likely to be among evangelicals. Tom Cotton, running for Senate in Arkansas, gave a speech in which he addressed these comments head on and it was the loudest single applause line in his speech because people are so fired up about this, they think it's inappropriate for the administration to talk this way and they certainly don't like the way the administration has handled Israel, which is it treated it poorly over the course of six years.

One question, if you take away the names of the respective countries, if you go back and study the rhetoric, that the administration has used with respect to both Israel and Iran, strip the name out and ask people who's the ally and who's the enemy? I think it would be very hard to make the distinction.

JUAN WILLIAMS: I have to tell you something. I think it's clear to everyone that the United States and Israel are key allies, they are bound together in the Middle East. And so the frustration I think you're sensing, Steve, is why isn't the administration more angry at the North Koreans or the Russians, et cetera. But it's when you have a close friend or a husband or a lover and you just have frustrated with them that you see this kind of outcome.

HAYES: I get that, but when is the last time you had anybody from the administration say anything nearly as critical of the Iranian regime as what they just said about Benjamin Netanyahu, when was the last time you heard it?

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