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Psaki: We Are Not Trying To Find Out Who Made "Chickenshit" Comment About Netanyahu

MATT LEE, ASSOCIATED PRESS: Do you think it says anything about the fact that when Israeli government officials have criticized the Secretary or the president or whoever, they have actually done so by name or their names have been attached to it and this administration when it seems to want to vent frustration or irritation with the Israelis does it under cover of anonymity?

JEN PSAKI, STATE DEPARTMENT: Well, Matt, I think also these comments, as you know, were from an anonymous source. I don't know who that individual was and what level they were at. So, I'd also certainly take them with a grain of salt.

LEE: Do you have suspicions?

PSAKI: I do not.

REPORTER: Is the administration trying to figure out who made those inappropriate and counterproductive comments?


REPORTER: Why not?

PSAKI: There are anonymous sources in all of your sources every single day. If we spent all of our time focused on that effort we wouldn't be working on diplomacy.

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