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Nia-Malika Henderson on Ruth Marcus' Praise of Jeb Bush: "Spoken Like A True Liberal"

KRISTEN WELKER, MSNBC: Let's go to another potential 2016 candidate. Getting a lot of buzz this week, Jeb bush. Of course, we had his son George P. Bush suggesting his dad was leaning toward running. Then this from Ruth Marcus who says, "A more extreme nominee might be easier for Democrats to beat. But what if they don't? I'd rather see the more reasonable Republican candidate because I'd rather see the more reasonable Republican president."

Nia, first to you. She's urging Jeb to run. But isn't that what makes him a tricky candidate in a primary?

NIA-MALIKA HENDERSON, WASHINGTON POST: Ruth Marcus is more of a liberal than she is, you know, a conservative. So spoken like a true liberal. There are a lot of folks who are more moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans who would like to see a Jeb Bush candidacy. The problem is, that's not where the party is. That's not where the energy is and in many ways, it's moved on in some respects so folks like Rand Paul and maybe Ted Cruz.

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