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Carney: "Democrats Are Going To Have A Bad Election Day No Matter How You Slice It"

JAKE TAPPER: When it comes to a lot of the appeals we've seen directly aimed at African-American audiences -- whether urban radio or specific mailers -- try to tie voting Republican with Trayvon Martin, with shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, and a lot of them are from Democrats or Color of Change, left leaning organizations. Is that fair?

JAY CARNEY: Democrats are as we've talked about before going to have a bad election day no matter how you slice it. Republicans will pick up seats in the Senate and the House and may win control of the Senate. They need to mobilize their base voters and that's especially true of minority voters and they're playing hardball too. I think equating support for stand your ground law which is bad policy and bad law doesn't mean you supported the action that took Trayvon Martin's life. So that's the kind of rough ad that similar to the one we saw from the Republican. I think we've come to expect that and hopefully a lot of voters as Bill was saying tune it out.

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