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Obama on Ebola: "No One Can Promise There Won't Be More Cases"

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I want America to understand, the truth is until we stop this outbreak in West Africa, we may continue to see individual cases in America in the weeks and months ahead because that's the nature of today's world. We cant hermetically seal ourselves off. The nature of international travel and movement means that the only way to assure that we are safe is to make sure that we have dealt with the disease where right now it is most......

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PBS' Ifill Calls Out Kay Hagan For Hypocrisy On Outside Money: But It's Okay When It's For You?

SEN. KAY HAGAN (D-NC): North Carolina is this purple state, but I feel very good about where we are. I do think that this out of state money is something that I'm very disappointed in. But it is because of the Supreme Court -- GWEN IFILL, PBS: But you've benefited from it as well? HAGAN: You know, I think no matter who gives money it should be disclosed and I think it should be transparent. I've got legislation in the Senate that would do...

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Steve Kornacki: If Mark Begich Holds On, "Republicans Are Stuck At 50"

Chris Hayes reviews the Senate prediction model situation and MSNBC's Steve Kornacki goes in-depth in the Alaska Senate Race.

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Kay Hagan Won't Say If She Regrets "You Can Keep Your Healthcare"

SEN. KAY HAGAN: If you look at what's transpired in North Carolina, those people are on those plans, they could stay on those plans. As soon as this came out, I got on legislation to allow them to stay on those plans permanently. I cosponsored legislation with that regard. We've been unable to move that through. If you really look, many many people in North Carolina are still on their same plans. QUESTION: But if you knew then what you now...

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Maddow: Colorado Polls Have A History Of Being Wrong

RACHEL MADDOW: So a funny thing happened on the way to the re-election of Obama. The Democrats of course held their election in 2008 in Denver. When it came time for the election in 2008, candidate Obama won the state of Colorado pretty easily. He beat John McCain by like nine points. But in 2012 they knew it was going to be a harder fight, they knew it was going to be close. The public polling had President Obama up one or two points in...

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Bret Baier: Senate Races To Watch Next Week

Bret Baier reviews the RCP polling averages for key Senate races in Alaska, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, and Louisiana.

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Chris Matthews: Possibility Republicans May Pick Up 8-10 Seats

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I do think, I always tell people lately, if you're watching us on election night, or anybody on election night, pay attention to 7:00. If Kentucky comes in too close to call, with Alison Lundergan Grimes against Mitch McConnell. If that's too close to call, Democrats may not face a blowout here. However, if you wait until 8:00 and you see [New Hampshire] too close to call with Scott Brown, I gotta tell you. I think if Scott...

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"Special Report" Panel: Impact Of Economy On Midterm Voters

"Fox Business Network" talking heads Melissa Francis, Stewart Varney, and Liz Claman join Bret Baier.

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Hardball: Tough Chris Christie vs. Logical Obama On Ebola

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Meet Chris Christie, who knows the best way to get in the press is to start a fight, whether it is telling a young woman, "none of your business!" or telling the president he doesn't know how his business. Itching to get into the center ring, the Cone Man from Jersey has declared war on President Obama and the White House's don't panic approach to the handling the Ebola crisis. The president meanwhile is taking his uual...

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Obama on Early Voting: "You Can Only Vote Once; This Isn't Chicago"

At a Tuesday evening campaign event for Mary Burke, Democratic nominee for governor of Wisconsin, President Barack Obama encouraged voters to participate in early voting. "One week, Wisconsin. One week. One week from today you get to choose a new governor. And because early voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait until election day," Obama told the crowd in Milwaukee. "You can vote all week," Obama added. "I mean you can...

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CAIR Spokesman: Inviting Bill Maher To Berkeley Like Inviting "Grand Dragon Of The KKK"

GREG LUKIANOFF: The fact that people so vehemently disagree with him is the more reason to hear him out. It’s an art that I feel is actually being lost on our campuses, where we should be teaching people is to at least hear people out, what they’re going to say, before you to get them kicked off campus. IMBRAHIM HOOPER, CAIR: So if they invited the Grand Dragon of the KKK or a rabid anti-Semite? LUKIANOFF: So Bill Maher is the Grand...

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Reporter to Earnest: Why Quarantine Soldiers But Not Civilians Who Were In Direct Contact With Ebola?

REPORTER: It doesn't seem like that's being driven by that science. It may be driven by other elements, but it's not the science.

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Palin: "I'm Going To Bug The Crap" Out Of "Haters" By "Hopefully Running For Office"

STUART VARNEY, FOX BUSINESS: As you may have heard just a moment ago, I was saying that the hatred level directed against you is absolutely extraordinary and it's a disgrace. But my question is, has it driven you out of politics, driven you away from standing for public office for good? SARAH PALIN: No, bless their hearts, those haters out there. They don't understand that it invigorates me, it wants me to get out there and defend the...

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Earnest Likens Sacrifice Of U.S. Soldiers Fighting Ebola To Them Getting Haircuts

EARNEST: This is indicative to the kinds of sacrifices that our military service members make on a daily basis.

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Elizabeth Warren on Ebola: "This Is Why Elections Matter"

NORAH O'DONNELL, CBS NEWS: First on the issue of Ebola. Governor Chris Christie said this morning he doesn't think his policy of involuntarily quarantine is draconian. He says the CDC has been behind on this. SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): Well, so, he should bring out his scientists who are advising him on that because we know that we want to be led by the science. That's what's going to keep people safe. Science, not politics. I think that...

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"View" Panel Defends Bill Maher From Berkeley Students Trying to Ban Him From Campus

All four panelists on "The View," Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie Perez, and Nicolle Wallace, agreed that Bill Maher should speak at Berkeley University. Maher was invited to speak at the university as the 2014 fall commencement speaker, but is facing backlash from some students due to his views on the threat of radical Islam. From Tuesday's...

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