October 29, 2014

Ed Gillespie's Credible Obamacare Alternative

James Capretta, RCM

To a person, the GOP candidates running against incumbent Democratic Senators are strong on the reasons for repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- i.e. Obamacare. Much of their focus has been on the law's implicit taxes on hiring. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the ACA will induce 2.5 million workers to leave the labor force by 2024. The last thing the U.S. economy needs is another barrier to getting out-of-work or underemployed Americans back in the workforce.

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TAGGED: Health Care, Obamacare


October 23, 2014
'Copper Plans' Won't Fix Obamacare
Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg View
For the most part, the political debate over President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul has become a duel between vague slogans: Republicans say they want to "replace" the Affordable Care Act but generally don't say with what.... more ››
October 23, 2014
How Insurers, Businesses Duck the ACA
Tara Culp-Ressler, ThinkProgress
The second year of open enrollment for Obamacare plans is underway, most of the health law’s consumer protections are now in place, and the changes to the insurance market are so firmly entrenched that some... more ››
October 24, 2014
Replacing the ACA: What Women Want
Grace-Marie Turner, RCPolicy
Americans are angry about the manifest failure of Obamacare. Many have felt the impact directly, from the millions who lost their health plans after being promised they could keep them, to those facing sky-high deductibles and... more ››
October 22, 2014
Medicaid Expansion and the ACA: Separable?
Jason Millman, Wash Post
It seemed like a pretty big political moment last night: Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a rumored 2016 Republican presidential candidate, telling the Associated Press that Obamacare repeal wouldn't happen. Except Kasich later said it... more ››