October 29, 2014

Are Economists Ready for Redistribution?

Mark Thoma, Fiscal Times

When the Great Recession hit and it became clear that monetary policy alone would not be enough to prevent a severe, prolonged downturn, fiscal policy measures – a combination of tax cuts and new spending – were used to try to limit the damage to the economy. Unfortunately, macroeconomic research on fiscal policy was all but absent from the macroeconomics literature and, for the most part, policymakers were operating in the dark, basing decisions on what they believed to be true rather than on solid theoretical and empirical evidence - See more at: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2014/10/28/Are-Economists-Ready-Income-Redistribution#sthash.S9k6e0pO.dpuf

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TAGGED: Inequality


October 23, 2014
The Millionaire Explosion
Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
The millionaire's club isn't what it used to be.Time was that "being a millionaire" was a mark of unimaginable success. You'd joined the financial elite. People didn't much discuss whether you arrived by wealth or income, because... more ››
October 22, 2014
The Case for Soaking the Rich
Bryce Covert, ThinkProgress
A 90 percent tax rate on the top 1 percent of American earners wouldn’t just significantly reduce income and wealth inequality and boost government tax revenues. It would also be the optimal level for Americans’... more ››
October 22, 2014
Inheritance and Inequality
Edward N. Wolff, Project Syndicate
The buzz over Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the Twenty-First Century may have subsided somewhat, but the analysis of its conclusions is far from complete. Consider its discussion of inheritance, which... more ››
October 23, 2014
Essays on Character and Opportunity
Reeves et al., Brookings Institution
This essay collection contains contributions from leading scholars in the fields of economics, psychology, social science, and philosophy. It provides a kaleidoscope of views on the issues raised by a policy focus on the... more ››
October 25, 2014
The Politics of Inequality
Sean McElwee, Demos
Last night, I had the honor of attending an Intelligence Squared debate on the proposition that, “Income Inequality Impairs the American Dream of Upward Mobility.” It was an engrossing debate. Affirming the motion... more ››