October 29, 2014

A Voter ID Myth Crashes

Mona Charen, Creators

Democrats want everyone to vote: old, young, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, citizen, non-citizen. Wait, what was that last one again? We'll get to that.

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October 23, 2014
The Poll Tax That Wasn't
Rich Lowry, Politico Magazine
When the Supreme Court over the weekend rejected a petition to stop a Texas voter ID law from going into effect for the midterms, the left commenced its wailing and gnashing of teeth. more ››
October 23, 2014
Texas and Voter ID: SCOTUS Got It Wrong
Andrew Cohen, LA Times
In allowing Texas' voter identification law to go into effect, at least for the November election, the U.S. Supreme Court last week showed the nation precisely what it meant in 2013 when its conservatives struck down the heart of... more ››