October 30, 2014

7 Nuclear Screwups the World Narrowly Survived

Cracked, Cracked

From the 1950s up through the early 1990s, the specter of nuclear war cast a shadow over the world like a giant, gloomy mushroom tattoo. Hollywood and our own morbid imaginations came up with any number of scenarios that would wipe out humanity in a series of blinding flashes: robots, Russian and American policies of mutually assured destruction. But Kubrick was probably closest when he imagined the nuclear era as a game of poker between cocky, absent-minded lunatics. Only he probably didn't go far enough. After all, he could have never imagined ...


During the Cold War, American and Soviet military leaders temporarily forgot why nuclear bombing yourself was a bad idea. The "nuclear weapons tests" conducted on home soil were officially for research purposes. In...

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TAGGED: Soviet Union, Top 10 Lists, Nuclear Weapons


October 18, 2014
How Fuchs Betrayed Nuclear Secrets
Russell Aiuto, Crime Library
In December of 1943, Norfolk, Virginia, was teeming with wartime activity. Ships were in various stages of construction, sailors and ship builders were everywhere. It was a vibrant, busy place. Klaus and his four colleagues... more ››
October 29, 2014
When Silver Screens Go Nuclear
Dawn Stover, Atomic Scientists
If you saw the recent remake of Godzilla, you saw stock footage from Atom Central, known on YouTube as “the atomic bomb channel.” Atom Central is the brainchild of Peter Kuran, an expert on archival films of the atmospheric... more ››
October 22, 2014
Did Oppenheimer Really Die a 'Broken Man'?
Weekly Standard
Since the Cold War ended more than 20 years ago, the left in general, and the media in particular, have tended to regard it as a kind of cosmic joke: hysterical American reaction—indeed, overreaction—to the peaceful... more ››
October 18, 2014
What Killed USSR? Too Much Talking
Philip K. Decker, RealClearHistory
In 1946, George Orwell prophesized that "the Russian regime will either democratize itself or it will perish." Apart from a scant few predictions, many more lucky than prescient, the collapse of the Soviet Union was an unexpected... more ››
October 18, 2014
The Soviet Gun Borne Out of Desperation
Paul Huard, War Is Boring
For nearly 30 years, soldiers heard an unforgettable sound coming from a weapon firing from behind the rubble in Stalingrad. Or echoing in the frozen hills of the Korean Peninsula during human-wave attacks. Or even rattling the... more ››