

The Mark Zuckerberg Guide to Hoodie Fashion

Mark Zuckerberg poses in a hoodie at the Allen & Co. Media summit in Sun Valley, Idaho on July 7, 2010.
Image: Nati Harnik/Associated Press

The sun is out, the flowers are blooming and you've been working out for months to look your best. You know what that means — it's hoodie season.

At least, it is if you're Mark Zuckerberg, king of hoodies. The Facebook CEO turns 30 years old Wednesday, so we compiled a fashion guide worthy of his reading list.

The hoodie is a staple of fashionable techie closets, as necessary to a wardrobe as blue jeans, black turtlenecks and semi-ironic calculator watches. Exotic, mysterious, zippable — hoodies are so in right now. Unfortunately, not many truly understand the subtlety of hoodie fashion. If we've learned anything from Zuckerberg, it's that hoodie wearing isn't all just "zip up when cold" or "unzip when hot." Believing so could be the difference between success or failure in the startup world.

Luckily, we've compiled a Zuckerberg-inspired fashion guide to your sweatshirt summer wardrobe. From the boardroom to the workout, we have you covered on the complexities of the hoodie.

zuckerberg hoodie

Image: Mashable Composite AP/Nati Harnik

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