A world leader in surface gold tailings retreatment  

JSE: DRD ZAR 321c 0.31% 30 October 2014 at 6:30pm

NYSE: DRD USD 2.897 -1.13% 30 October 2014 at 2:14pm See detailed share price data and graphs

GOLD USD/oz 1200.50 -0.92%   ZAR/kg 419073.73 0.93% 30 October 2014 at 14:19pm

BREAKFAST BRIEFING: Cape Town, Tuesday 10 February 2015

Will you be in Cape Town for the 2015 Mining Indaba?

DRDGOLD CEO Niël Pretorius cordially invites you to attend a breakfast briefing on DRDGOLD, a South African surface gold tailings retreatment company.

Date: 10 February 2015
Time: 07:00 for 07:30
Venue: Townhouse Hotel and Conference Centre, 60 Corporation Street, Cape Town

RSVP: Patience Mtshali
Russell and Associates
+27 11 880-3924 (office)
patience@rair.co.za (email)



DRDGOLD Limited (DRDGOLD) is a mid-tier, unhedged gold producer focused on consolidating its position as a world leader in the recovery of gold through the retreatment of surface tailings by extracting as much gold as possible from its 11Moz surface resource.

In FY2013 the company provided jobs for 2 752 people, including 1 012 employees. The remaining 1 740 people worked for the specialist service providers engaged by the company to provide the expertise required for tailings reclamation and tailings dam management.



Ergo was established to recover and treat the 186Mt Elsburg resource on the eastern Witwatersrand. An extensive, inter-connected pipe network including a bespoke 62km pipeline has been established to enable tailings on the central and western Witwatersrand to be brought to account in an efficient and cost-effective operation.



DRDGOLD currently has interests in two exploration projects. Both are for sale:

ERPM Extensions 1 and 2: this 21Moz resource is owned by East Rand Proprietary Mines Limited (ERPM). The operation is on care and maintenance and is for sale.

Chizim Gold: DRDGOLD has placed its 49% interest in a greenfields exploration project in Zimbabwe on the market.


EBDA [logo]

EBDA, the Ergo Business Development Academy, was established by Ergo Mining (Pty) Limited to equip South Africans to pioneer enterprise development and, in doing so, to help uplift their communities. DRDGOLD has contributed R34.6 million towards EBDA to date, making it the company’s most significant local economic development project. Some 2 500 people have received training at EBDA and, in FY2013, 539 community members benefited from EBDA training programmes.