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Make Your Voices Heard: Vote in the 2014 Elections

Frances Beinecke

Posted October 27, 2014 in U.S. Law and Policy

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Now is the time of year Americans can exercise our most powerful form of citizen activism. We get to cast our ballots for the leaders of our choice. This is an opportunity not to be squandered, and I urge you to seize it this election season. Mail in your ballots, go to your polling place, and make your voices heard.

We need to speak up—now more than ever. A tidal wave of special interest money is swamping the American electoral process and threatening to corrode the very foundation of democracy. In 2012, for instance, oil, gas and coal companies tried to influence the political debate by spending more than $150 million in campaign ads by mid-September of that year.

NRDC is fighting for electoral reforms to put our democracy wholly back in the hands of the American people, where it belongs. But never forget that you already possess the most powerful antidote to big money politics: your voice and your vote.

They make a difference.

People often ask me how I remain hopeful in a time of climate change, inequality, and global economic recession. These are daunting challenges, but I am optimistic we can make progress, because across the nation, people are engaging with issues that matter most to them. They are volunteering on campaigns, educating their friends and neighbors, holding their lawmakers accountable, and taking to the streets from Ferguson, Missouri to New York City.

And in the coming week, they will cast their ballots in the midterm elections.

Seeing this level of citizen engagement inspires me. I know our votes shape the future of our country. Help decide what that future will look like. Vote by November 4.  

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Comments (Add yours)

Michael BerndtsonOct 27 2014 12:32 PM

Illinois will be an interesting state to watch. A historically blue state (in the northeast corner of the state at least) with close elections in several congressional seats, senate (Durbin v. Oberweis) and governor (Quinn v. Rauner). Environmentally wise, Illinois is closer to an Oklahoma than say a Massachusetts. It's a coin flip on environment, which may continue to trend downward regardless of party.

Alan LevensonOct 27 2014 02:47 PM

Frances, your post hits home here in Santa Monica. Santa Monica Airport, which has in the past served our community, has become a jet port for the rich and famous. Jet operations have gone from twelve hundred to eighteen thousand in twenty years. We have no safety zones, and homes within 300 feet of the runway. We have an election in one week in which aviation interests have spent over one million dollars to gain control of our airport by spreading money, fear, confusion and false information. Local activists are trying to fight back, but money is powerful. Can anyone out there help us keep control of our airport and make our neighborhoods safe? We have an environmental, health and safety disaster and our political process is being bought just like in your blog post of today.
Frances and NRDC….Please help.

A Proud CanadianOct 27 2014 08:24 PM

“We need to speak up—now more than ever. A tidal wave of special interest money is swamping the American electoral process and threatening to corrode the very foundation of democracy. In 2012, for instance, oil, gas and coal companies tried to influence the political debate by spending more than $150 million in campaign ads by mid-September of that year.”

For instance……
Any comment on the enormous amounts of money Tom Steyer and other foundations and individuals has poured into your elections for candidates that will support their agenda? It too must be “corroding the very foundation of democracy” as well. You must have missed that.

I remain,
A Proud Canadian

P.S. Although the moderator may not want to remove your blog…………not sure………
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