The number of political ads that distort reality or manufacture allegations seems nearly limitless, and it is futile to obsess over them one by one. But when a serious distortion is attributed, falsely, to this newspaper, we tend to perk up.

Consider an ad that was aired on at least one Denver television station by the Republican Governors Association dealing with the case of mass murderer Nathan Dunlap and featuring the father of one of the victims. Dennis O'Connor is a powerful critic of Gov. John Hickenlooper for his decision last year to grant Dunlap an "indefinite reprieve."

O'Connor calls the governor a "coward" who "lied to me" and "doesn't deserve to be in office."

Those are strong words, but they're entirely within the bounds of permissible opinion. However, the ad also flashes on the screen the claim that "Now John Hickenlooper is threatening a 'full clemency' for Nathan Dunlap that could set him free," and cites an Aug. 25 Denver Post article as its source.

Which is preposterous.


The article in question says no such thing about the possible release of Dunlap, no doubt because freedom for Dunlap is unthinkable. Hickenlooper's attorneys say the governor doesn't have the power to release Dunlap even if, for some perverse reason, he wanted to. The "full clemency" the governor mentioned to CNN as within his authority would involve life in prison without parole.

Criticizing the governor over his handling of the Dunlap case and his position on the death penalty is fair game. Claiming he has threatened to release a mass murderer onto the streets is utter fiction. And yet some viewers no doubt end up believing it.

To be clear, Hickenlooper's opponent, Republican Bob Beauprez, had nothing to do with the ad. Moreover, Beauprez himself has been the target of sleazy ads from outside groups that falsely characterize his stewardship of Heritage Bank before it was sold in 2007, when there is no evidence that his role with that bank was anything but honorable.

However, the claim that the governor supports a policy that could release a mass murderer may take the cake for this political season's whoppers. And even "whopper" may be too kind a word. More like a malicious falsehood.

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