Last Minute Halloween Costumes

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(Photo by ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)

(Photo by ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)

Oops! You totally forgot that you have to take the kids trick or treating this weekend! Or maybe you have a costume party to go and all the costumes at the Party City or Halloween Express are gone. What do you wear? You don’t want to be that lame person without a costume.

So what do you do? You wear one of these super clever last minute costumes.

  1. Grab a white T-Shirt & a black sharpie and write “Error 404 costume not found”.
  2. Add a fanny pack to any outfit you have and you can go as a tourist. Put a camera around your neck to make it more believable, plus wear some khaki shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.
  3. Put on a dark suit and dark glasses and you are instantly a bouncer. A Notepad will just take this costume out of the park.
  4. Be a human stick by wearing white pants and a white shirt and taking some electrical tape and tracing out the arms and legs. Genius.
  5. Fellas, take those Calvin’s out and go as a Calvin Klein model.
  6. Grab that old white blanket, poke some holes in it and you are a scary ghost.
  7. White dress, yellow cutout and a sombrero hat and you are “huevos rancheros” or change the sombrero for devil horns and you guessed it… “devil eggs”
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