Oklahoma Loves Green and Not Fracking

by TXsharon on October 2, 2012

in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Loves Green is the name of an environmental magazine. They are reporting more on drilling and fracking issues. Here are some of their latest articles:

Fracturing The Waters

Mark Twain was quoted as saying “Whiskey is for drinking. Water is for fighting over.” If the current trend continues, this won’t just be a quote, but an unfortunate fact of life.

This quote was repeated several times last weekend when I was on the Gulf and in the Eagle Ford Shale. Water in these fracked up times is a universal concern.

The Quiet Truth
Behind Oklahoma’s Oil & Gas

Oklahoma sported the highest number of any state for killed or injured members of the public due to oil site explosions since 1990.

One of the accidents listed was a big topic on my blog because Chesapeake couldn’t get their story straight.

And then there is the shaking that suddenly starts everywhere fracking goes. Shaking Oklahoma From The Ground Up


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Joanne LaVine May 19, 2013 at 10:41 pm

We are presently discussing fracking but other issues are global warming and droughts…and nifty subjects like these. But no joke, without clean abundant water the good times might be over. So lets work up some solutions and eat some homemade muffins and help each other take care of our water. Please join us.
Environment, Environmental Awareness, Environmental Activism, Meeting New People, Water, Outdoors, Global Warming, Conservation, Children and Nature, Socializing, nature-lovers


TXsharon May 19, 2013 at 11:03 pm

This needs to be a separate, new post. give me all the details and I’ll try to get it posted. I know a couple of people in OK.


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