Remember that Chesapeake blowout where they told conflicting stories?

by TXsharon on July 25, 2012

in Chesapeake Energy, Oklahoma

They got fined.

As we suspected, the surprise pocket of gas they hit causing the blowout had leaked from a leaking Chesapeake well and migrated to where they were drilling the well that blew. But Chesapeake failed to report the leaking well to regulators. (The dog ate it.)

Here my blog post on EarthBlog about the blowout and the conflicting stories. Don’t miss the comments. Unfortunately all the comments were removed because of spam.

UPDATE: You can see photos of the blowout HERE.

It’s no wonder Chesapeake spent so much time and effort commenting on my blog posts about this.

A petroleum engineer, predicted that the pocket of gas CHK hit had migrated from another well and I posted about that HERE. They also lied in the comments about the BOP.

There are 45 comments and a video on my blog post HERE.


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