Information on Airfare Fees & Taxes 

Unless otherwise indicated, prices listed on our travel deals website ( and our Top 25 deals on travel page ( may incur additional taxes, charges and government-imposed fees. We've listed seven (7) possible types of taxes and fees that may apply to your fare:

Passenger Facility Charges: Depending on the itinerary, Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) of up to $18 maybe added to your total.

Federal Excise Tax: A federal excise tax of up to $3.30 applies per flight segment (but may already be included in the advertised fare). A flight segment is defined as one takeoff and one landing.

September 11th Security Fee: A September 11th Security Fee of $2.50 applies per U.S. enplanement.

U.S. or International Departure and Arrival Charges: Depending on the itinerary, the fare may be subjected to U.S. or international government-imposed taxes and fees of up to $200.

Shipping & Handling Fees: Some travel companies and agents may impose shipping and/or handling fees for paper tickets.

Service Fee: Companies listing deals on and in our Top 25 may charge a service fee.

Itinerary Changes/Cancellations/Refunds: Itinerary changes, if permitted, may incur a change fee of up to $150 that varies by market, carrier and specific fare rule.


“Ask the locals where to eat – they usually know the best places to grab a cheap and tasty bite.”

Lisa Hubner Travel Deal Expert

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