Pipeline explosion in McKinney, Texas

by TXsharon on August 28, 2012

in Explosions

This morning a backhoe operator hit a 12″ high pressure gas pipeline in McKinney, Texas. They are trying to figure out how to put it out. They are going to shut off the gas but there is so much pressure in the line that it will burn for a while.

This happened over an hour ago the the “gas company” is still not on the scene. No one knows what to do until they get there.

Arlington, TX is training first responders to deal with these events so they won’t have to depend on the operators. Arlington is charging a tax on wells to help pay for the training but industry is suing the city to keep from paying.

WFAA is reporting.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Shale Drillin August 29, 2012 at 8:22 am

It’s our infrequently mentioned Good Neighbors at ATMOS. Thankful that no bystanders or homes were impacted. This is a reminder of how critically important mapping accuracy needs to be, and taking careful measured steps when digging around or near pipelines. I’d like to see a replay of Ed Ireland’s little speech on pipeline safety.


WCGasette August 29, 2012 at 12:33 pm

With this happening to the “better regulated” gas distribution lines…God. Help. Us. as we live with all the unodorized, essentially unregulated gas gathering and gas transmission pipelines that are criss-crossing our North Texas, densely-populated neighborhoods as they “quietly” get the shale gas out of here. Shhhhh…

The industry will say, “oh, the gas gatherers are low-pressure pipelines.” Meaning: If they blow or are struck accidentally, they won’t blow BIG. Right. What they won’t say is they are right up next to schools and under power lines. So much for “Feeling OK” about them. But our cities sometimes do receive a nice BIG CHECK for placing them right next to us. #bloodmoney


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