Items Tagged with 'drilling'


Maryland Resort Landowners Oppose Vertical Marcellus Drilling, But OK With Horizontal

A property owners' association in a popular western Maryland lake resort area said it opposes surface structures for vertical drilling for Marcellus Shale gas, but is amenable to horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) that accesses the play from a distance. Read More

Interior Audit Says BSEE Performing Better, but Inconsistencies Found

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), charged with overseeing offshore drilling for the Department of Interior, has no standardized procedures in place for reviewing permits nor a program to streamline the process, according to an internal audit. Read More

Duvernay Production, Costs Varying Widely

Four years after inspiring a Canadian mineral rights leasing rush, a Louisiana-sized Alberta drilling target -- known as the Duvernay among geologists... Read More

ExxonMobil Expands Permian Portfolio in California Swap With Linn

ExxonMobil Corp. has added 17,800 net acres to its Permian Basin portfolio in a swap of some of its California land with Linn Energy LLC. Read More

Canada's NEB Gives Would-Be Offshore Drillers a Break

Arctic gas and oil hunters have been spared having to conduct environmental assessments twice on their plans to return to Canadian waters of the Beaufort Sea. Read More

Nova Scotia Not Ready for Fracking, Inquiry Finds

Fear of fracking prevailed Thursday in Atlantic Canada, where a provincial inquiry declared Nova Scotia is not prepared to allow the industry practice safely -- and will not be ready any time soon. Read More

Parsley Stretching Out in Midland Basin

Parsley Energy Inc. is spending $252 million in multiple deals to acquire undeveloped acreage and producing properties adjacent to its operating areas in Reagan County, TX. Read More

New-Wave Recompletions Producing More, Costing Less, Say Operators

Recompleting wells isn't anything new. Operators routinely evaluate previously drilled leaseholds to see if more production can be pulled from a field. With better-than-ever technology, however, producers today are finding they can reduce their drilling costs and extract substantially more oil and gas than they did when a well was drilled originally. Read More

Maryland Continues Study of Potential Marcellus Shale Production

Drilling for natural gas in Maryland's small portion of the Marcellus Shale is likely to have negative effects on air quality, while hydraulic fracturing would present a moderately high risk of public health consequences and earthquakes are considered a low likelihood, according to a report issued by University of Maryland researchers. Read More

RSP Permian Grows Production in Namesake Basin

Dallas-based RSP Permian Inc. grew second quarter production by 43% from year-ago levels and 15% from the first quarter. Encouraging drilling results in the Permian Basin of West Texas prompted the company to lift its 2014 production estimate and raise capital spending. Read More