Frack Free Farming

veggieCollage1WEPAC will be ordering some of these fabulous Frack Free Farming t-shirts for the summer.

Show your support for Frack Free Farming, for Wholesome Eating in Albert County, and help contribute to the NBASGA (NB Anti-Shale Gas Alliance) legal fund at the same time. Wear the t-shirts and get the conversations started!  This is a positive way to create change and awareness and to show that Albert County cares about local growing.

Order any of the five gorgeous designs, which will be screen-printed on white Canadian-made (of course) t-shirts.  Thank you to our colleagues across the pond at the Sussex Frack Free Food Alliance in the UK ( for the use of their heritage seed packet images.

Adult sizes S-M-L-XL-XXL.
Children’s sizes M-L (sorry…no smalls)
Adult size – $20
Children’s size – $18

Payment due upon delivery.
Deadline for ordering: May 17.

Email us with the design(s) and size(s) that you wish to order.