The Great Resource Giveaway

Why is New Brunswick so poor?

Have you ever wondered…

  •  how such a ‘resource rich’ province became a debt-ridden province?
  • why New Brunswickers and private woodlot owners are not benefiting from our wealth of our forests?
  • when comparing annual harvests, how Nova Scotia, Maine and Ontario can generate significantly more jobs than New Brunswick?
  • how current management practices are affecting our wildlife?
  • why forestry teams are brought in from Quebec when New Brunswickers are unemployed?

Hillsborough Screen Quality 8.5x11 - Poster


Come and hear the answers at the Great Resource Giveaway.

Hillsborough Kiwanis Community Centre
47 Legion Street
Monday, 25 August 2014



Presenters include:

  1. Charles Theriault, a Kedgwick filmmaker of the docu-web series, Is Our Forest Really Ours, will speak about his investigative research into New Brunswick’s forestry industry.
  2. Albert County native, Donald Bowser, an international expert on anti-corruption and transparency in the extractive sectors will talk about how New Brunswick has become a captured province by corporations.
  3. Rod Cumberland, a NB wildlife biologist, will speak about how current forestry practices are affecting our wildlife.

These three important speakers will question the management of the greatest natural wealth New-Brunswickers possess…our Crown Land, a forest held in trust by the government for the benefit of all residents and future generations.

Hundreds have already attended this presentation in Moncton, Fredericton, Saint John.

If you care about our forest and future, you don’t want to miss this.

The Great Resource Giveaway Tour is organized by the Council of Canadians Fredericton and Moncton Chapters, and the Hillsborough event is hosted by Water and Environmental Protection for Albert County.

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