The first journal set up to exclusively publish freshwater related metadata was launched online at the beginning of October. The journal was initiated through the work in BioFresh – an EU-funded project that already launched the Biodiversity Atlas.


The Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, IGB, is an independent and interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge about freshwater ecosystems. Working in close partnership with the scientific community (universities, research institutes), government agencies, as well as the private sector, guarantees the development of innovative solutions to the most pressing challenges facing freshwater ecosystems and human societies.

IGB advances basic science in freshwater science within research departments and integrates the knowledge across departments through cross-cutting research domains (“Programmbereiche”). The three cross-cutting research domains focus on freshwater biodiversity, freshwater boundaries and linkages, and on human-ecosystem interactions. Furthermore, the unique long-term monitoring and research program at Lakes Mueggel and Stechlin, and the Spree and Tagliamento Rivers is pivotal for understanding and predicting global change impacts on freshwater ecosystems.



IGB in German media