A love letter to Dr. Al

by TXsharon on October 30, 2012

in EPA, Intimidation, ISEO, Range Resources

Warning! Dangerous levels of hubris follow!

( * ) wrote Dr. Al a love letter. It‘s sounds a lot lika a cease and desist to me.

( * ) seems to be upset because Dr. Al said this:

“the best available data that I was presented by my staff indicated that the driller’s [Range’s] natural gas was ending up in a private drinking water  well. … I’ve not seen, and when I withdrew our enforcement action I didn’t see, anything to the contrary. … But we do live in a very litigious society. It had been in court for more than a year going on two. I felt a better course of action would be to talk to Range about a potential settlement where we would withdraw our enforcement action and they would commit to doing additional monitoring in Parker County.”

Dr. Al is right. We do live in a very litigious society. This is something I know a little bit about.

In our society and especially in Texas, litigation sometimes works like this: Whomever has the most lawyers, the most paid experts and enough money to spend decades in litigation wins. Campaign contributions keep the scales of justice lubricated and buy elections.

We have little hope to find truth and justice save for two paths:

  1. Our vote .
  2. Excellent journalists who are willing to wade through piles of court documents and piece together critical information about videos and cement.



{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Dory October 30, 2012 at 9:53 am

Seems to me if Range spends more money on lawyers than safety measures for drilling


Anonymous October 30, 2012 at 7:14 pm

I read the Range letter shown in your post. Ha, ha, those Range GasHoles are riding in on the backs of thier most favoriet lapdog org, the RRC in Austin, ha, ha. Since the GasHoles are using the RRC, you can just forget about Range’s relevance!


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