
Topics also related to Personal Finance:

The equity cult alive and kicking, despite deflation threat


LONDON - Anyone betting on another "Great Rotation" of investment flows out of bonds and into stocks is in for disappointment: it's not happening, and isn't going to.

Yorkshire Building Society fined for mortgage failings 29 Oct 2014

LONDON - Britain's financial watchdog said it has fined Yorkshire Building Society 4.1 million pounds for failing to deal properly with customers who were falling behind on their home loan payments.

UK inflation expectations hold steady at five-year low 29 Oct 2014

LONDON - Britons' expectations for inflation over the next 12 months held steady in October at 1.9 percent, matching the lowest reading since 2009, a monthly poll by YouGov showed on Wednesday.


UK lenders cut back on new mortgages as housing market slows 29 Oct 2014

LONDON - British lenders approved the fewest mortgages in more than a year last month, adding to signs that previously rapid growth in Britain's housing market and the broader economy is slowing.

Bank of England's Cunliffe says can keep rates low for longer 29 Oct 2014

LONDON - The Bank of England can afford to keep interest rates at their current record low for longer than thought, due to weak pay, low inflation and a darker international outlook, Deputy Governor Jon Cunliffe said on Tuesday.


Lloyds dealt new blow with mis-selling charge 29 Oct 2014

LONDON - Lloyds has taken another 900 million pound charge to compensate customers mis-sold loan insurance, delivering a further blow to the lender which only narrowly passed European health checks on the sector's finances.

BoE's Shafik sees no significant evidence of price pressures 28 Oct 2014

LONDON - The Bank of England will need to see more signs of price pressures building in Britain's economy before it raises interest rates from record low levels, its deputy governor Minouche Shafik said on Monday.

Raise UK interest rates now, says Bank of England policymaker 27 Oct 2014

LONDON - The Bank of England should begin raising interest rates now, because spare capacity in Britain's fast-recovering economy could be used up by the middle of next year, adding to inflation pressures, a Bank policymaker said in a Sunday newspaper.


New UK bank TSB gains customers in challenge to big banks 24 Oct 2014

LONDON - New British bank TSB said it was picking up nearly one in ten of all new current accounts being opened in the UK, swelling its deposit base as competition intensifies for the country's biggest lenders.


UK consumer confidence tumbles in October on job insecurity 23 Oct 2014

LONDON - Consumer confidence in Britain took its biggest tumble in four years this month as workers in low-paid sectors worry about losing their jobs in an economic slowdown, a survey published on Thursday showed.

UK September mortgage approvals fall to lowest level since July 2013

LONDON - Mortgage approvals in Britain fell in September to their lowest level since July last year, standing 9.9 percent lower than a year ago, industry data showed on Thursday.

Standard Life outlook muddied by British pension rule changes

LONDON - Insurer Standard Life reported strong net inflows in the first nine months but said that changes in British pension rules cut sales of key products and made the outlook uncertain.

BoE's Broadbent says market outlook for 'neutral' rates broadly right

LONDON - Market expectations for the levels of interest rates needed to stabilise Britain's economy seem reasonable, Bank of England Deputy Governor Ben Broadbent said on Thursday.

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