
Welcome to the Hydraulic Fracturing Disclosure and Education websites.  These websites are being hosted by the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC).  This website provides a central location for public and industry to communicate and relay information on the chemicals used during the process of hydraulic fracturing of oil or gas wells.  The FracFocus website provides impartial and balanced education tools to the public on the topic of hydraulic fracturing.

The GWPC and IOGCC are uniquely suited to host these websites due to their impartial nature and ties to the regulated and regulatory community. This website provides a means for industry to voluntarily supply hydraulic fracturng chemical data in a consistent and centralized location.  This open process assists both public and industry by supplying a centralized repository for the data and removing similar fragmented efforts from around the web.

These websites provide the following:

  • A means to Search for voluntarily submitted chemical records by State/County, Operator and Well.
  • An Education and Informative site for the public and industry on Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and the processes used in Hydraulic Fracturing of wells.