Thank You

Many thanks for wonderful, generous, helpful donations and kind support.

Edmonton, Alberta:

2014 09 18 Note w donation from Edmonton Alberta

2014 09 18 Image on note w donation from Edmonton Alberta


September 18, 2014, Rosebud, Alberta:

Dear Jessica,

I learned from Shauna that your appeal was denied, so that EUB is remains exempt from the lawsuit. That sucks!

Not the news you were hoping for, nor is it the hope of so many Albertans you represent – people whose interests the EUB should be representing, but they aren’t. I just wanted to tell you: I see so much strength and poise in you, please be encouraged, you are persistent, you are beautiful, may justice be done and the earth be healed. … Strength to you, Jessica.

Maki Van Dyke

August 2014: Calgary, Alberta:

Jessica, this piece has it’s start some 35 years ago… At that time I took a trip to a botanical beach in BC with my brother. On the way I found a chunk of cedar that I carved with a knife that used to belong to my grandmother. It was a wonderful souvenir of a wonderful trip. That cedar sculpture has lived in multiple gardens over those 35 years and now has come home to my garden … still in surprisingly good shape. That is the base design on this totem I’ve made for you. It also encompasses some “added bits” that you may find give it elements that will bring you luck and strength. Use it as a touch stone if you like and wear it down if necessary. What I really intend is that you know it’s a symbol of all of us that support you and that perhaps 35 years from now some part of it remains to remind you…. All the best, Mary

2014 All of us that support you by Mary

Packaged with card: Don’t  you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this?

July 4, 2014, Edmonton Alberta:

I know this man is fighting a battle like ours and he is in his eighties…when you feel low listen to him. It helps me. I am fighting for a reduction of pesticides and GMO’s in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and have contacts around the globe. This is hurting everyone. What is happening to you is a part of the same problem I think. Anyway…you may find this lifts you (I hope so). 

July 5, 2014, BC: 

Thanks for your response Jessica, I admire your stalwart spirit. Please know that you’re constantly in my thoughts and you give me strength with your admirable principles. Your efforts are not lost on me that you are fighting for all of us not just yourself. No amount of money will ever be enough to support you for your efforts and actions fought on our behalf, which are priceless.

Logs of (((BIG HUGS))) to YOU and your team

June 12, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta:

Hi Jessica. I found your website very much by accident. I was looking for info on the new Tesla motor that is being developed by a few people in the world right now. I saw the bit about government trying to strike down somebody’s rights and decided to have a look. … I like to help in any way where it brings comfort and joy to people and fracking is something that, at a very high level, has to stop. It WILL stop and I know that for a fact. But, for now, I want to help you stay afloat in the vicious and corrupt world of government, media and big business. … This is not a favour, it’s something that has to be done. … We are all one.

… Rosebud… so appropriate, that you should be in a town that is named after the most beautiful flower and at it’s most incredible stage, that of coming into bloom. I think that is you and what you are doing for the earth and therefore, for mankind.

….in your case, you are taking an action whose ultimate benefit will be to wake up the world and show that you CAN fight the fraud, the greed and the suppression of our rights.

You will prove that. Warmest regards

June 4, 2014, Courtenay BC:

Dear Jessica, I met you at the Water Conference…. I found your presentation very haunting and moving. Because you were before us in person I was much better able to personalize what you’ve been going through. If it were me, our place, what would it be like, could I do what you’ve done. Would I have the courage and support? So, I write you today to tell you that I admire you so much for speaking to us and sharing your story on opening up your life and your struggle to us. Please know that we do support you in energy and caring. You are never alone, especially because once we know, we are part of your journey.

Detail from 'Roots' by Dorothy Drubek Courtenay BC

Art card, detail from “Roots” (fabric work) by Dorothy Drubek, Courtenay, BC

We all need roots and it is in community that we find them. 

When we choose to share our lives with others, we send down roots that sustain us all.

We are home.

'Roots' by Dorothy Drubek Courtenay BC framed

“Roots” by Dorothy Drubek

June 4, 2014, Courtenay BC: 

Dearest Jessica, It was an honour to meet you … hard work for one to yell out the truth … but, you can’t do otherwise. Blessings. 

As Seen by Diane

“As Seen” photo card by Diane

May 30, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta:

Dear Jess, It takes all kinds of bees to make honey, to keep a community alive but it all starts with a queen bee like you. Love you.

2014 05 30 It takes a lot of bees to make honey and keep a community alive but it all starts w a queen bee like you

May 7, 2014, Calgary, Alberta:

Dear Jessica, Love you Always Heart

2014 05 07 Card of support Ernst vs Encana Alberta Government and Energy Regulator

Art card, art by Kimberly Webber (Red Sonya, 2006). Text on back of the card: Red Sonya wields the golden sword of justice as the warrior protectress of the deep forest. She is the moon goddess who rules the waters of both Earth and body, the tides of the ocean….

May 3, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta:

Jessica, thank you for coming to Lethbridge and blazing the trail for us.  Your example, courage, integrity, creativity and tenacity have been fundamental to our success in Lethbridge.

April 2014, Canada:

I’ve wanted to thank you since I heard about your battle on CBC. Thank you all so much for your principled fight against greed. 

April 2014, Canada:

Thank you very much for your courage and tenacity!

April 25, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta: 

2014 04 25 Donation Note Ernst vs Encana

April 24, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta:

Dear Jessica, Be encouraged to know that people around the world are following your battle. Here in Canada, I believe your legal battle is one of the most important issues we face. 

I think the mainstream media should be paying much closer attention. In the meantime, I hold your David & Golialth struggle daily in my heart and prayers.

April 23, 2014, Rosebud, Alberta: 

Hey Jess…

I mentioned this quote and I wanted to send it to you prior to the court hearing but it applies as you go about your daily work….

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves. Although they may feel very alone during the quest, at its end their reward is a sense of community: with themselves, with other people, and with the earth.”

- Carol Pearson

April 21, 2014, Australia:

Dear Jessica

The news of the latest garbage being foisted on you by the so-called government is being posted by friends in Australia. You have a great deal of support and admiration from many here. I am forever in awe of you. I admire you for taking a stand. I admire you for sticking to the message. I admire you for your courage in the face of overwhelming odds.

May you win. May you receive the compensation as part measure of their actions. May you win and bring hope to millions.

John C Thomson

April 8, 2014, Ithaca, New York State:

You have such a powerful voice.
Thank you for doing this.


April 8, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta:

Hi Jessica: 

My name is Jeannine & I live in Lethbridge. In the past, I have supported drilling and fracking in Alberta, though I have never been in favor of urban drilling where the risks to a densely populated area are too great. My opposition to drilling in Lethbridge has resulted in countless hours of research. I believed I had done adequate research to understand the issues; however, my recent review of your video presentations has left me speechless and in tears. The blinders have come off & I have come to understand the full implications of fracking, that indeed it is far worse than anywhere my imagination could have ever taken me. The realization of the extent of lies that we have been subjected to has left me sickened, angry, horrified and in disbelief that we have been so manipulated by AER, the PC government and the oil industry. I have now arrived at the truth and have realized that this goes way beyond urban drilling and that fracking anywhere is evil.

I have been writing letters to officials almost weekly voicing my opposition to drilling in Lethbridge, but now that effort will reflect my opposition to all fracking–urban or rural. This is just an excerpt of a letter I will send today that expresses how I feel:

Those who are supposed to represent us and protect us have betrayed us. You have been lying to us on every front and allowed our health and that of our environment to be jeopardized. Apart from the horrors of the residential schools, I cannot think of an act that the government has perpetuated upon its people that is more evil than fracking. You are experimenting with our health and our lives. Is what you are doing really any different than what Hitler did during the war? He brainwashed the population and carried out dreadful experiments on unsuspecting victims. This is exactly what the PC Government is doing. You have excelled at it and have managed to coerce the population into believing that fracking is safe and that the government has our best interest at heart. Is there anything that is sacred to the politicians? Not even your own children and grandchildren? It is doubtful that our grandchildren will have the privilege of living to a ripe old age because babies today are being exposed to these toxic chemicals from the day they’re born. It is so unbelievable to me that such a thing should happen in this country. Most Canadians see themselves as good people who try to live a good and honest life. This happens in other countries we believe–in Nazi Germany, in countries with dictatorships—“This would never happen in our country,” we say, but yes, this is in fact happening in our own country and most citizens are completely unaware of it. We are being poisoned to death by our own politicians.

Thank you for going public and bringing this issue to light. I want to express to you my heartfelt gratitude for all that you are doing for us, for your courage, for your persistence, for the willingness to sacrifice yourself for our good. I don’t know if I could ever muster up that kind of courage if I were in your shoes and put up with that kind of intimidation and harassment, but I honor you for being our Albertan Erin Brokovich. I will be making a donation after payday. I wish you much success with your Court case, and pray that only good may prevail in this province.

Thank you.

Jeannine Schulz

PS We’ve only been in Alberta for 5 years but plan on going back to Saskatoon in 3-5 yrs when we retire, unless this Lethbridge drilling goes through & they end up fracking under our house which is less than a mile from the proposed site. If our house loses too much value, we probably won’t be able to afford to go back to SK. … 

I was very disappointed that I was not able to attend your presentation when you were here in Lethbridge, but I’m so happy that I googled you & found all those fantastic videos. I have learned so much and it’s changed my way of thinking. I have already sent your links to a couple of people. I’m going to send these videos to everyone I know. I will continue to speak to all who will listen about our government’s betrayal and the evils of fracking. Not that I know a ton of people in Alberta, but I will do my bit, as small as that may be. I will encourage all who will listen to vote only for those who care about our future. I’m going to send your video to Premier Brad Wall in an attempt to prevent this from happening in my beloved province, although SK is starting to head the same way Alberta has. Hopefully, I can plant a seed before it’s too late. Once in a while I’ll contribute to your fund and encourage others to do the same. I can’t imagine how financially devastating this must be for you. No one person can withstand the weight of this burden, not emotionally, not financially. … 

I totally get it that you’re doing this for all of us, or you wouldn’t have survived this decade long abuse. This is not about one person—it’s about all of us. Words just can’t express how grateful I am that you have taken this on, on our behalf and that you have stayed the course. There’s not many people like that in the world. 

March 11, 2014, Victoria, BC: 

2014 03 11 Donation note from Victoria BC

December 30, 2013, Toronto, Ontario: Dear Jessica (Ms. Ernst), I have read the Statement of Claim and have watched several of your videos and wanted to let you know that I have great admiration for the courage you have demonstrated. ….it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what has and is happening. My thoughts are with you.

I heard you say that “you’re alone”, untrue. Keep going and NEVER give up… I remind you that even when you feel alone, you’re not. You’re an incredible Woman and human being!! I am sorry that you are going down this dark road. Rest assured, you’ll get there, you’ll be able to finally breathe and perhaps cry a little then smile. Stay strong Jessica!! Your “Woman of Courage” award, while fitting, is the tip of the iceberg. Sincerely, Lisa M. Martin

December 22, 2013, Weyburn, Saskatchewan: Hello Jessica, So very glad you have a date booked for your Appeal, even though they only allowed you 45 minutes. Could be the most valuable 45 minutes in the history of Canada!!  All the best in 2014!!! 

December 22, 2013, Calgary Alberta: Jessica: No legislation nor government agency can trump the Charter, no matter what Chief Justice Neil Wittmann imagines.

December 21, 2013, Alberta: Jessica: Thank You for your unwavering determination and dedication to protect the waters/lands for all of us. I truly admire your strength to move forward the way that you do despite everything the companies put in your path to not continue onward. Know that many people pray for you and send good energy your way on this journey as it is for all of us & future generations to come.

October, 2013, in response to Murray Klippenstein and Jessica interviewed on The Current:

Fort St James, BC: Dear Jessica, I listened to your interview on CBC today and I just wanted to say that you are most definitely not alone in your fight. I don’t have money to give you but I want to give you my moral support and tell you that what you are doing is both right and necessary. If there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know. That is not a frivolous offer. … There’s no fracking way that we’re going to let them get away with this.

Edmonton, Alberta: Hello! I heard your interview on CBC Radio October 22nd, and it occurs to me that even truckloads of money can’t overwhelm the truth. Truth always wins. Hitch your wagon to the truth —  it’s never in an awful situation. All best wishes,

East Coulee, Alberta: Jessica! We love you, we love your stand. Thank you for doing this for us all.

Winnipeg, Manitoba: hi jessica, you’re amazing and a huge inspiration to all of us who must stand up for what they believe in, even in the face of intense obstacles. i admire you greatly.
best, vivi

Edmonton, Alberta: I want to preface this with a bit of back ground. Ive worked around politics a lot in the last 25 years and when I listen to things I do it with some level of objectivity that should later translate to some sort of component in political strategy.Your CBC bit this morning had an impact that politicians will find disturbing and will likely trigger more attempts at discrediting. They will find it disturbing because it was somewhat raw but with solid human emotion that a whole lot of people can identify with. There are all sorts of reasons people are frustrated with government (corruption, mismanagement deceit etc). Your piece this morning will likely have something of a polarizing effect on some, perhaps many of them. The illiterate red necks were lost long ago don`t worry about them, that would be like trying to convince coyotes to not eat chickens.

I think the timing is great for several reasons, there is New Brunswick of course, there is a train on fire at Gainford and more important than both is the fact that both Edmonton and Calgary have elected young, educated and centrist mayors. In Edmonton, Kerry Diotte (wildrose) mayoral candidate took what may be the biggest ass kicking ever by a redneck in the province of Alberta.This wont go unnoticed by upper levels of govt. Of course supporters of Iveson and Nenshi listen to CBC…that has to be a good thing……..

Yours was direct, honest and not scripted by a team of speech writers.That is a good place to be these days. I say well done, anytime it finishes in a better place than it started its a win, you did that.

Toronto, Ontario: I heard your interview yesterday w Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC. It’s wonderful to hear your position well explained! We have known Murray for some years and have great respect for his principals and professional expertise.

Enclosed is a little encouragement. Carry on!

Winnipeg, Manitoba: Dear Ms. Ernst, Just a few words to tell you how my heart goes out to you and how much I admire your strength and perseverance in the face of such a God Almighty foe as the oil industry. I know my words don’t do justice to the actual state of affairs that has taken hold of your life. I have struggled, in a mere pittance compared to your fight, with environmental and social issues that ruffle feathers and/or draw public apathy. I can well imagine the toll it is taking on you.

I wish for you continued strength and peace of mind in knowing that what you are undertaking is a right and virtuous thing.

Ladysmith, BC: Listened to you this morning. I didn’t think it was a great interview as it didn’t let you really express how this has impacted so much on your life, including the threatening reality in which you live. Still, it gives you more exposure and the other side was revealing by its unwillingness to respond. Love you, hang in there and be safe

East Coulee, Alberta: Jessica, your voice and poise was very exceptional. The overall show was profound, getting at Protti was great, and AMT dissing the rubber stampers somewhat was a reminder that we are absolutely unprotected and unrepresented as Alberta Land Owners.

Thank you!!

Powell River, BC: Dear Jessica. It was interesting to hear the interview with Anna Maria Tremonti this morning – to hear the trap people like Tremonti are willingly in … and, apparently their producers want them to be in. You were excellent. Murray Klippenstein was good. Ms. Tremonti was about as bad as it is possible to be – to the ears of a concerned listener. She had to rush away because William Shattner’s gig with a Beatle is, of course, more important than democracy, the rule of law, and organized corporate/govt. repression in Canada. When a “good” program like Ms. Tremonti’s reveals its essential triviality, we know how desperate the situation in Canada is.

Perhaps the spike driven through your heart was the interview with an “expert” at the University of Alberta. We know that the University of Alberta is paid for by the government of Alberta. We know it is – and has been always (when I worked for it in the ‘sixties even) a reactionary place. We know that the Oil and Gas industry has pumped money in to establish ‘fronts’ there. ARE there benefactors who set up and pay for the Institute or Department or centre or whatever it is called that the interviewee on regulatory bodies and government, etc. works in? Did the Current check that? Of course not.

There must be a number of people who could comment on the unholy alliance of govt./corporations/regulators in Alberta and what they do to innocent people. Such commentators have to be outside the pay-off system – which the universities more and more are in – purposefully, so that the dumbies from the media will go
to them for ‘objective’ ‘informed’ observation! ! The Tremonti circus went to someone anyone might fairly suspect is a paid hack of the industry (and govt.) even if he doesn’t fully realize it.

But that is what the Tremontis (and their ever-so-smart producers) of this present world do. As a woman, Tremonti must feel great power abusing (as I see it) another woman.

What power! What fun (for her)!


Vulcan, Alberta: Dear Jessica, Just wanted to say thank you for everything you are doing for the planet, I hope you become our premier in the next election. or perhaps our new prime minister. it looks to me like god has a plan for you.. not only saving Canada but saving the planet.

Victoria, BC: Hello Jessica, I listened to you on CBC last night and I want to say that you are a very brave lady for taking on this corporate bully.  Very few people are willing stand up for what is right today. You are admirable. I will be posting your web site wherever and whenever I see an opportunity and I will be following your case closely. Rick Allenberg

Mayne Island, BC: You are a courageous woman … I fully support you … are you still fundraising for your cause? ….we all have to stand up for our values … despite the threat of attracting attention from those that plan to gain from our silence and find ways to punish us for our voice. The best to you. Toby Snelgrove

October 25, 2013, Toronto, Ontario:

2013 10 25 Donation note Ernst vs Encana

October 19, 2013, Medicine Hat, Alberta: 

2013 10 19 Donation note Ernst vs Encana

October 13, 2013, Colorado: I believe I feel whispers of your deepest pain, frustration and stirrings of determination. Whether you decide to go forward or not, I respect and admire all you’ve endured and pushed for. I also know that justice will prevail. … 

 Truth exists even when it is denied.
Justice exists even when access is barred.
Courage exists even when hope is lost. 

My deepest love, understanding and support to you both – always!

September 2013, Edmonton Alberta:

2013 09 30 Donation w card Never give in, Never ever give in

September 2013, Vegreville, Alberta: Hope all is going well!

September 2013, by Gros Morne National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Newfoundland:

May this shawl keep you beautifully
Wrapped with warmth, comfort and love.

May the candle continue to light
your way with all of those burning 
bright around the world Heart

Ever near, & always here, with peace – gratitude & love

September 2013, Newfoundland: Thank you so much for coming out. We truly appreciate the work you do. We wish you the best and hope that we can support your efforts a bit as well. With gratitude.

September 2013, Newfoundland: We’re very lucky to have your expertise.

August 2013, Edmonton Alberta:

2013 08 Hi Jess and Magic Keep Going

July, 2013 New York State: Gift of the book “Old Turtle” by Douglas Wood with watercolours by Cheng-Khee Chee. 

I continue to pray for the success of your struggle for justice. … Old Turtle will be on her way by the end of this week I hope. You will love her I feel sure and I hope that she gives you continued courage because you are walking along the way that she advocates. The efforts that you are pursuing are and will help to build a more peaceful and just world! … My prayers will continue! Keep up your courage!

Old Turtle by Douglas Wood water colour by Cheng-Khee Chee.JPG

Text accompanying above watercolour:

And often the people
misused their powers,
and hurt one another.
Or killed one another.

And they hurt the earth.

Until finally even the forests
began to die …

… and the rivers
and the oceans
and the plants and animals
and the earth itself …

June, 2013, Nokomis, Saskatchewan: Please accept this gift – it is non-negotiable and non-refundable. I think of you often and the continuing battle you are going through. … Many people don’t stop to think the water is already privatized! Our Co-op store sells the “stuff of life.”

May 27, 2013, Courtney, BC:

2013 05 27 Am appalled at the apparent interference of the Harper governmentApril 2013, Edmonton, Alberta: My hubby agrees this is the best donation we have ever made to anyone.

March, 4, 2013, The Burren, County Clare, Ireland: Jessica, May you be forever blessed. May love surround you and protect you, wherever you go. With love and many many thanks.

March, 4, 2013, The Burren, County Clare, Ireland: Thank you Jessica. You are always welcome! I know you are always protected and loved. The land and animals stand for you.

March 3, 2013, Toronto, Ontario:

2013 03 3 I know you're going to win this

February 25, 2013, Valemount, BC: Please use enclosed for anything that helps your fight against fracking. I don’t care if it pays lawyers or buys dog food or maybe just takes you out for a nice meal some time when you need it.

Winter, 2013, somewhere on the West Coast, with painting below: Hiding in these woods from the malefactors – knowing there is nowhere to hide, only places to fight. Down to the sea today and gathering seaweed for the garden in deliriously beautiful setting sun. All — all seemingly temporary and evanescent as poisons are pumped into the sea and species [inexplicably] begin to disappear. … Be well. Be happy. Be strong. Excelt!!


February 24, 2013, Fort Macleod, Alberta: We have become aware of your attempts, now through law suit, to force the ERCB, EnCana and the Government of Alberta to accept responsibility for any groundwater contamination resulting from fracking procedures affecting your water tables. We also understand that thousands of wells have been drilled throughout your area without first establishing baseline water quality. This is all very concerning.

It is clear that your struggle to have full accountability and liability on the part of both regulator and operator written directly into statute is both fundamentally necessary, and of grave important to all landowners in Alberta. Your fight is the fight of all rural peoples to have industry behave in a responsible and open fashion. Please accept therefore, this financial token of our solidarity with your efforts. … We wish you all the best in your efforts, and share with you a hope for a more conscientious approach to all such matters in the future.

February 5, 2013, Cowley, Alberta:

2013 02 5 Valkyrie in full battle mode

April 19, 2012, Australia:

Your battle is your land, your property. But it is also what I believed all along – a battle that is for the world. I am not a “greeny”. I am not an “activist”. I am a businessman. I am / have become aware of the scope and scale of this problem because of people like you. You belong to the world. We all do, but too many are stuck in a view that constrains them to what they can physically see from their window. You have far grander vision.

We, the people of the world, owe you all our praise. You issues started so very localised. Your recent win is focused on what first drew you into this – your piece of heaven being f…ed up. Where others take this threat and lie down, where others take this threat and want to ring-fence (ie not on my land but elsewhere is ok), you have stood up and taken your message to the world and, by doing that, given hope to so many. What is the battle for your little piece of heaven, has become a symbol of hope for so many because of your open and honest view.

I wish in our little interchange for three things:

1. That you get shortly the win you must have for your place.

2. That you shortly get to pass on the torch to others and get back your life.

3. That in the interim, you come and speak to Australia.


July 2012, Nova Scotia: Victory through truth

2012, Alberta: I sincerely hope this helps fund your lawsuit to a just conclusion. I am currently attempting to spread the word about the dangers of fracking in rural Alberta – the amount of apathy is saddening. 

September 2012, Quebec: I am convinced this cause of yours will be a very important legal precedent that will have global repercussions. It is crucial that we see it to the end. I’m sure you’re aware of this.

Fall 2012, Kathryn, Alberta: Remember: “He who laughs – lasts.”  I am sure you can handle this better than any New York lawyer. We’re praying for you.

December 2012, Victoria, BC: You and Magic are one of our nicest thoughts. Thinking of you and sending you love and energy!

December 14, 2012, Ladysmith, BC: Wanting you to know we not only love you but support you.

September 30, 2011, New York, USA: Our board was very impressed with the work you are doing on behalf of the planet and its peoples. We want to express our solidarity with you and support this work through this assistance to you.

magic & jess oct 30 2008 by reporter

Magic and Jessica