Richard Thompson

Paintings and Sculpture

Richard Thompson’s Oregon home and studio are located in the farmland southwest of Portland. Following his thirty-year academic career, Richard returned to live on the farm first settled by his grandparents in the early 20th Century.

Richard’s work is informed by the rural landscapes of the American West. His compositions use simple house shapes clustered under far mountains or among the field patterns. The wide skies often contain the traces of over flying jets or suggest darkening weather. The shifting colors and shades of dawn and dusk often cross the wide horizon pushing forms and shapes into full silhouette.

He says of his work…”I paint what I see and what I think about what I see. For me it is often hard to tell when the seeing lets off and the thinking begins. I see landscapes and automatically think paintings.”

Detail from painting Prairie Number 4

Detail from Prairie #5, 2006-7  |  View Painting